For decades, political pundits and the mass media have bombarded the public with a drumbeat of misinformation on healthcare. By the power of constant repetition and with dissent suppressed, these two falsehoods have become commonly accepted wisdom:
1.Health care is a fundamental human ... Views: 426
Democrats now control the White House and both Houses of Congress, ... Views: 377
With the summer drawing to a close, the big question for nearly 60 million U.S. school-age children is whether they can return to school, or must they remain at home, limited to remote learning? States and municipalities differ widely on whether and how to reopen schools based on differing ... Views: 385
As the Pfizer-BioNTechvaccine is now being shipped out,and with Moderna's mRNA vaccine about to achieve FDA approval,Americans begin tobreathe easier believing that vaccination isthe answer to our prayers, an end to the CoViD-19 nightmare. Suchconfidence is misplaced. Vaccination is part of the ... Views: 494
On November 3, it was not only CoViD-19 but ongoing failure of our entire healthcare system that was foremost in voters' minds. Close to 80 million Americans apparently believed Democrat promises they would produce a healthcare system we all want.
Whether ... Views: 477
Do Americans still have the right to speak their minds freely as guaranteed by the First Amendment? Apparently not, as one 19-year-old can attest.
Newly professional bike racer Quinn Simmons lost his job when he supported President Trump with one word. A Dutch journalist, Jose Been, had ... Views: 681
Our politicians do not learn from history, even our own. House Bill 100 ("New Mexico Health Care Access Wins Final Approval," Los Alamos Post, Feb 19) just passed is touted to "increase[s] access to high-quality health care."Sadly, this is not true.
HB 100 will provide additional funds ... Views: 368
Medicare “as we know it” is doomed. It never had chance. What was originally intended as a vital safety net for seniors has become a massive boondoggle that is collapsing under its own weight.
In 1965, Medicare started as a medical savings program for retirees. The government would take a ... Views: 381
Former Chief of Staff of the Army and current Secretary of Veterans Affairs Secretary Shinseki "falling on his sword" won’t bring back a single veteran who died needlessly while waiting for approved medical care. He is being used as a scapegoat. Singling out specific institutions such as Phoenix ... Views: 380
How can success also be disaster, especially in healthcare? As the Michael W. Smith song says, “Let me show you the way.”
Remember that healthcare one word means a system, one that currently accounts for 20% of US national spending. Health care — two words — refers to a personal service ... Views: 568
The Unfunded Mandate is a legal contradiction and humanitarian nightmare that is also antibusiness. It needs a permanent fix, not a modification, adjustment, reconciliation, and most definitely not Washington style “reform.”
What is the Unfunded Mandate?
In 1986, Congress passed EMTALA ... Views: 544
Deceptively labeled Medicare-for-All, Democrats’ plan for single payer healthcare, is nothing less than poison–hemlock for healthcare. It will “federalize” our system, what is called nationalization in socialist countries. Medicare-for-All would exacerbate the three basic problems Americans face ... Views: 462
Democrats plan to make healthcare a defining issue in the 2020 presidential election. Their rallying cry is, "Build on the success of the ACA!" Is the ACA, in fact, a success, based on facts and evidence, not rhetoric and spin?
Did Obamacare live up to its official name? Did it make health ... Views: 493
There are so many compelling narratives about healthcare, people simply can't distinguish truth from falsehood. Without knowing the facts about healthcare, we cannot fix it. Following are five examples of commonly accepted wisdom that are bogus, myths, and one true narrative.
CoViD-19 is like ... Views: 454
Aphorisms like "the pot calling the kettle black" persist because they keep being proven relevant. Such is the case with politicians' outrage over MylanPharmaceuticals' price gouging for its life-saving EpiPen: their price has risen from less than $100 for a two-pack in 2007 to $600 ... Views: 420
Both Republicans and Democrats in Congress have bought into three healthcare lies: big, bigger, and biggest. The first says health insurance is what we need. The second presumes that having insurance means you will get care. The biggest lie is that Washington will deliver timely medical care for ... Views: 356
Medicare “as we know it” is doomed. It never had chance. What was originally intended as a vital safety net for seniors has become a massive boondoggle that is collapsing under its own weight.
In 1965, Medicare started as a medical savings program for retirees. The government would take a ... Views: 408
The reason you got a prescription for the wrong medication is simple. Your doctor did not choose it, someone who never heard your name and doesn't know your medical history, that faceless person decided what medicines you take.
These faceless, unseen doctors-without-licenses are government ... Views: 398
Before the American Revolutionary War, residents of the North American colonies were subjects of the British crown. They were entitled to whatever goods and services the aristocracy allowed. Their living conditions and daily activities were determined by government fiat. They paid taxes ... Views: 383
This story was produced in collaboration with The Philadelphia Inquirer. Physician’s assistant Ann Valdez checks out Amy Morales, 2, during a check-up at a community health center in Aurora, Colorado. The clinic serves many Medicaid patients (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images).
If you’re on ... Views: 480
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is not just moving in to your doctor’s office. ACA is also a parasite living in your wallet, devouring everything in sight. The financial effects of the ACA are painful and unexpected, particularly as tax season approaches.
Despite its middle name, ACA is not ... Views: 711
Amidst all the talk about signing up for mandatory insurance (or failing to do so) through, we have probably lost sight of what is really going on. I suspect that you, like a majority of Americans, think you buy health insurance so it will pay for your health care services and ... Views: 450
There are six important reasons to kick Washington OUT of U.S. healthcare. Simply put, healthcare is not in their wheelhouse. The solution to our failing healthcare system is StatesCare, not more-of-the-same Washington domination, called single payer or Medicare-for-All.
Reason #1: Track ... Views: 469
The title question might seem silly, even ludicrous. It is anything but.
In the United States today, a truck driver is free to choose which gear to use going up a hill and at what speed to go down the hill. Accountants and lawyers are free to accept or refuse specific jobs and how to do their ... Views: 447
If you work in healthcare, the initials HIPAA make you gag. If you are not in healthcare, you are probably unaware of this 2000-pound hippopotamus that you are supporting.
HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (of 1998). In the early 1990s, there was extensive ... Views: 514
There are several lessons we?have?learned from the CoViD-19 experience such as: the unreliability of predictive models; the danger of depending on foreign supply chains; over-reaction can be a deadly as under-reaction; and the need for better contingency planning.
There is one lesson we have ... Views: 391
As doctors become more frustrated with Medicare’s reimbursement rates and rules, many are displaying their dissatisfaction by not treating Medicare patients.
The number of U.S. doctors treating patients enrolled in Medicare is falling, according to a recent story in The Wall Street Journal ... Views: 591
The Theft
The Medicare Act was signed into Law by President Lyndon Johnson in January, 1965. It was intended as a national HSA with individual accounts called lockboxes. Each worker puts a small amount away each month during the work years, collected by the government through a payroll tax. ... Views: 521
Federal healthcare regulations with their attendant bureaucracies are supposed to facilitate patients getting the medical care they need when they need it. Sadly, bureaucracy does the exact opposite: it reduces access to care and can lead to needless deaths.
Creating federal rules and ... Views: 484
Common wisdom teaches that those who have health insurance get the care they need when they need it, and that those who don't have coverage, don't get care. This false "wisdom" is used by progressives to push for government-controlled, single payer healthcare.
Evidence proves that this wisdom ... Views: 402
In 1984, Wendy’s began a marketing campaign that was so successful, its slogan — “Where’s the beef?” — became an American icon. It means, “Show me the proof that I am getting what I am paying for.”
When we buy a hamburger, we demand, “Where’s the beef?” Yet when we consider purchasing the ... Views: 424
Everyone believes that the purpose of a healthcare system is to get the right care on time to the most people, and everyone is right. Where common wisdom goes astray is the presumption that coverage equals care. Most people think that having health insurance guarantees getting healthcare, i.e., ... Views: 467
Before the Revolutionary War, residents of the North American colonies were subjects of the British crown. They were entitled to as much or as little as the aristocracy allowed. Their living conditions and daily activities were dictated by the government. They paid whatever taxes were ... Views: 530
The U.S. healthcare system is failing both the American public as well as Americans doctors. Fundamental change is needed but Washington keeps adjusting the financing and never deals with the root cause-breakdown of the doctor-patient relationship.
Failing both patients and physicians
In ... Views: 509
The Unfunded Mandate is a legal contradiction and humanitarian nightmare that is also antibusiness. It needs a permanent fix, not a modification, adjustment, reconciliation, and most definitely not Washington style “reform.”
What is the Unfunded Mandate?
In 1986, Congress passed EMTALA ... Views: 536
In a Wisconsin speech before the 1860 presidential campaign, Abraham Lincoln quoted a Persian parable ending with, "And this, too, shall pass away." His words apply to the CoViD-19 (Corona Virus Disease, 2019) outbreak.
At the moment, fear of contagion and death (blown out of proportion) ... Views: 567
Supreme Court Associate Justice Louis Brandeis famously urged the states to become "laboratories of democracy" (New State Ice Co. v. Liebmann, 1932) by testing new, alternative ideas of governance. Colorado is heeding his advice. With their Governor Jared Polis' leadership, the 2019 Colorado ... Views: 772
When the CoViD-19 (Corona Virus Disease, 2019) first broke out, there was little-to-no data. Without factual evidence, medical advisers had to depend on mathematical models such as the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis from the Imperial College in London. With an estimate of more ... Views: 457
Elected officials such as New York and Atlanta mayors as well as clinical physicians, viz., in Maryland and Colorado, are projecting there will be more patients who need life-saving CoViD-19 services than there are facilities--ICU beds and ventilators--available. Such an imbalance between the ... Views: 530
In a Wisconsin speech before the 1860 presidential campaign, Abraham Lincoln quoted a Persian parable ending with, "And this, too, shall pass away." His words apply to the CoViD-19 (Corona Virus Disease, 2019) outbreak.
At the moment, fear of contagion and death (blown out of proportion) ... Views: 497
U.S. healthcare is failing: it doesn't deliver timely care and spends money we don't have and can't afford. Can healthcare be fixed?
In 2018, the average American family spent $28,166 on healthcare costs. The same year, the U.S. poured $3.65 trillion -the GDP of Germany-into its healthcare ... Views: 537
To get what you want, you must first decide what that is. If you believe media reports on healthcare, the public wants to save money and to have health insurance.
Money and insurance are not our primary healthcare desires. What we want is simple and universal: access to timely affordable ... Views: 488
Clinical doctors can readily understand the continuing failure of the U.S. health care system. The attending physicians for Patient Healthcare–Washington, both legislative and executive branches–keep trying to treat the health care’s symptoms while refusing to seek the etiology of illness.
To ... Views: 568
Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA, explains why StatesCare is the path to achieving affordable, accessible health care
ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Amidst wild promises and counter arguments about healthcare, one conclusion is crystal clear to all Americans. Washington has made a mess “fixing” our healthcare ... Views: 571
How did 13 small colonies of the globe-spanning British Empire become the leader among nations in less than two and a half centuries? Answer: Freedom and its resulting “can do” culture. Freed from government controls and released from class constraints, the “new Americans” believed they could do ... Views: 459
Deceptively labeled Medicare-for-All, Democrats’ plan for single payer healthcare, is nothing less than poison–hemlock for healthcare. It will “federalize” our system, what is called nationalization in socialist countries. Medicare-for-All would exacerbate the three basic problems Americans face ... Views: 483