Regardless of whether you’re working from home or returning to a commercial office, many of the same principles still apply. One of them is that tidiness really does matter. Here are five reasons why you should work on having a clutter-free office area.
Tidiness gives a good ... Views: 522
Remote working was clearly on the increase before 2020 but has naturally peaked during national lockdowns. Up until the pandemic, however, full-time remote working was largely reserved for freelancers. Many employers allowed it some of the time, but few allowed it all of the time. Some did not ... Views: 601
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced a lot of businesses to work remotely and whilst the majority of businesses have chosen to return to the workplace, there are many that have continued to work at home, until further notice is given that they must return to work.
This means that the need ... Views: 1266
It is inevitable that the majority of office based workplaces will end up with a large amount of paper documents, files and records all of which take up valuable space on desks, cabinets and in the general office.
Having a largely cluttered office full of paper files and documents not only ... Views: 836
It’s 2020, not just a new year, but a new decade, which means it’s probably a fairly safe bet that a lot of people will be thinking about topics such as organization and productivity. These often go hand in hand. It’s not just about superficial neatness.
A tidy desk does not necessarily equal ... Views: 998