There are times in our spiritual journey when we find ourselves grappling with the most intense inner conflicts. Rather than confront them, we would sometimes prefer to hide under the covers. We can try to deny that there’s an issue waiting to be addressed, or pray to be rescued, but deep down ... Views: 860
If you’ve ever suffered any sort of trauma, whether that’s a serious accident, a sudden loss, betrayal or illness, you know how much pain that can bring. Experiences like these can be quite devastating, draining your life force. If the painful energy isn’t released, it lingers with regret, ... Views: 753
There are countless reasons why people think that if they put effort into an endeavour in life they will fail. It’s not just because they have failed in the past. It’s not because they think they are unworthy. Though both those reasons can certainly be contributors. But one of the most profound ... Views: 1078
The question isn’t whether you’re valuable. That you are is a given. You have to be or do nothing more than exist. You’re a Creation – irreplaceable.
The more meaningful question is, “Do I accept that I AM valuable?”
Many people keep trying to claim this into their heart by searching for ... Views: 844
There are three things to remember during these turbulent days. The first is that we are eternal and no matter what happens we are safe as we return to Source. The second is that nobody can tell us what our truth is unless we allow them to. And thirdly, if we take the time to look within we will ... Views: 1118
I’ve recently facilitated the healing of several children, ages 10-14. Their souls have chosen to assist Earth’s ascension. They have loving hearts, and a desire to fulfill their purpose. Unfortunately, they also all swing into bi-polar expressions, have suicidal thoughts, hold strong ... Views: 806
After about 20 years of doing my own inner work and listening to many clients tell me their life stories, I’ve arrived at the perspective that the number one need of any person is to feel and know unconditional love - by being seen and heard. When we are not acknowledged for who we truly are, as ... Views: 867
We are evolving beings:
By all accounts, Wanda's life was in flow and she had been of service as a healing facilitator for a number of years. However, at the time she contacted me, she only intuitively knew that she had reached a plateau and she was "missing a piece". She was beginning to ... Views: 772
Is someone crossing the line with you? We all know what it feels like to have our personal boundaries violated, but do we all know what to do about it? In my experience, developing and maintaining boundaries is difficult for many. It's directly related to the ability to know our value, stand in ... Views: 837
"I need to be okay." This is the conditioned mantra of the human mind, so the ego pursues a need to justify itself and always make itself okay. It will find many ways to make it so, even if it has to ignore the painful or imbalanced issues in one's life. These are called ego defenses and they ... Views: 888
As a psychotherapist, I hear it again and again - the cry of the wounded, inner child: "if only…", "I wish they had…", "they should have…", and "one day they will…" This wishful thinking about Mom and Dad is often at the root of much of life's dissatisfactions – wishing things to be different ... Views: 831
Life happens – a constant flow of joyful and painful change, and everything in between. Human resistance is as certain as change, because when the negative ego dislikes anything that is unfolding in life, whether it’s minor or profound, it will seek a means to avoid it. Unfortunately, wanting ... Views: 1001
Like many, you may have the most difficulty trusting Spirit when you are faced with a sudden or shocking experience such as a lost job, sudden illness, an accident, or an end to a significant relationship. It can create a jolt to your perception of reality and shake your foundation that is your ... Views: 783
The ‘heart of the matter’ is an expression that refers to the most fundamental piece of information. Perhaps this is derived from the truth that your heart is the centre of your energetic-spiritual being. It is an intuitive, intelligent centre. And, it is essential to understand that the heart, ... Views: 973
In the waves of change there is an undertow that can pull you down. Unless you are consciously participating with the flow of the waters these days, you can lose yourself in one of life’s most debilitating obstacles to liberation – fear of change. It’s not to be taken lightly.
The ... Views: 1083
More’ – it’s a word that’s used profusely, full of hope and selling fulfillment. It seems that no matter where you turn, someone is offering you more – more food, more success, or more financial security, as though this will solve your craving. Seldom does this satisfy when made in promise of ... Views: 732