Wisdom teeth or third molars are found at the back of the mouth. It usually appears between late teens and early twenties (i.e. 17 and 21 years of age). Even though most of the people seem to have four wisdom teeth, some may have fewer or none. It is given the name wisdom teeth ... Views: 440
Aashas Health Care Pvt. Ltd. (AHC) is an extended physiotherapy and Dental Clinic in Lalitpur, which is committed to providing world-class physiotherapy services and advanced dental services. AHC was founded in 2016 with the ultimate objective of being the best Dental Clinic in ... Views: 641
The most common health problem faced by a majority of the people globally is Back Pain. Ageing people are the ones who mostly experienced this pain. Since back pain creates a discomfort physically that is simply unavoidable, it would be much wiser to see a physiotherapist as soon as ... Views: 535