1. Always ask for lower rates
Remember, published rates are list prices; if you ship any type of volume at all you should be able to get discounted rates. If you don't ask you can be sure you won't get them. When you do ask, make sure you point out that you are also asking the competition ... Views: 681
You should be using a purchase order for every purchase.
The best way to eliminate the possibility of miscommunication is through the use of your purchase order. This purchase order should be designed to clearly indicate all terms under which you are purchasing the item. This should include ... Views: 526
1. All sales leads must be followed up
If you are spending money to generate sales leads, you damn well had better make sure that every lead is followed up; you must have a way to ensure this is being done. If you do not, you are simply wasting your money.
Let me give you just one ... Views: 1276
Offer to pay early in exchange for a discount. Many companies will be happy to offer a 1% or 2% discount in exchange for early payment if you ask for it.
Offer to pay early in exchange for a 2% discount and I will be surprised if at least 50% of your creditors don't accept. All you need to ... Views: 471
As an owner or manager you must demonstrate your commitment to a program of total cost control if you are to maximize your results. You must walk the talk. You cannot say one thing and do another. Doing so will result in far less than optimum success.
Let me give you a real life example. The ... Views: 471
I hope you did not answer that because there is no way for you to answer that question unless you are a customer of your company. I strongly suggest you become one, at least to the point of calling or visiting your own company on a regular basis or, if you are too recognizable, have someone ... Views: 477
Let me tell you a story about the time I first joined a certain company. At that time all their office supply needs were filled by a local office supply store. The people at the store, and the reps who called on them were very nice dependable people.
The products they carried were brand ... Views: 470
A company with strong financial management habits can survive many other types of mismanagement, however, no matter how strong management is in other areas, without strong financial management a company will never reach the levels of profitability they could, and should, reach. In fact, they ... Views: 570
What does the often used, but rarely understood, term "customer service" mean to you?
Most people think of customer service as the service given to external customers, customers who buy the products and services of the company.
To many people, it refers to the quality of service they give ... Views: 472
I once read a paragraph in a book supposedly on the subject of cost control. This book stated that you should not worry about being overcharged small amounts on small or one time purchases as this type of activity has no real impact on your bottom line. It went on to state that you should
only ... Views: 499
One way to foster positive feelings from others is to do what you can to help them and to thank them. Just as it is critical to thank your customers, it is equally important to thank your co-workers and employees.
They are your internal customers.
Let them know how much you appreciate ... Views: 532
Past due accounts cost you money and a good deal of it. Every day an account is not paid you are losing money in a number of ways. You must control this process both aggressively and systematically.
1. The bigger the invoice the better the cash flow.
These words of wisdom apply to every ... Views: 486
1. The Devil in the Details
Ensure that you read the small print and that you understand all terms and conditions under which you are agreeing to buy anything. Again, this may seem obvious but it is rarely done.
Most people do not take the time to read the small print;they take the sales ... Views: 609
Always try to negotiate better deals with your current suppliers.
Call them. Tell them you are happy with their current service but you must get better prices. If you are not bidding out jobs and purchases, as you should be, tell them you are going to have to start getting bids. Tell them you ... Views: 471
1. Have an Open Door Policy
Competition is one of the keys that drive your ability to control and reduce your costs, therefore, you should have an open door policy for dealing with vendors. By this I do not mean that you should see every sales rep that comes knocking on your door. After all, ... Views: 622
Recent studies analyzing the tax returns of over 1 million businesses have shown that the majority of companies in this country make a pretax profit, as a percentage of sales, of 5% or less. I am not just referring to small companies.
If your company made a pretax profit last year of 5% or ... Views: 540
Has there ever been a more difficult time to even try to maintain profit levels never mind increase them?
Decreasing margins, rising labor and material costs, increased competition, escalating marketing, operational, and administrative expenses, higher product costs and higher taxes are just ... Views: 584
"If you want me to do more, pay me more. Pay me more and I will do a better job."
This is the battle cry of mediocrity.
A common problem today is that employees want to be paid more to perform better; they have this backwards. By requesting more money to do a better job, they are admitting ... Views: 514
1. Only Authorized Personnel Should Purchase Anything
If you allow anyone who needs anything to purchase whatever they need, even if it is small quantities of office supplies, you have a serious problem. All purchases must be authorized and funneled through one central purchasing group or ... Views: 608
1. Be involved in your yearly workers' compensation audit
This is the time each year when your insurance carrier will verify payrolls and risk classifications. You must verify all figures to ensure proper payrolls within each risk classification within the period in question and to challenge ... Views: 483
1. You should be keeping a log to record the time incurred with all your outside experts
I know that in some cases you are not able to verify the time spent on your behalf as it takes place out of the office. However, in many cases you will be able to track much of the time expended on your ... Views: 533
1. You must shop around for your insurance coverage
Blindly staying with the same company year after year will rarely, if ever, result in the best coverage for the best rates. I suggest that you bring in 3 agents each year, or at least every two years, to review your insurance needs, ... Views: 550
1. Ignore the term "discount"
When you hear this term your warning bells should go off. Ask the questions. Discounted from what? Discounted compared to what prices, over inflated starting prices?
Discounted prices may not be discounted at all. They may be establishing the list price and ... Views: 551
I am talking about consultants, accountants, ad agencies, design houses, lawyers, creative people, and anyone who is not on your staff but who you periodically pay to provide you with some sort of service. Your goal must be to reduce and control your costs incurred in conjunction with the use of ... Views: 573
eed an expert? You know many of them
Who? Think. To start with, how about your suppliers? They know a great deal about your market and your competition. They can provide you with a wealth of information and advice. They know sources, they may know what works and what has failed. They may be ... Views: 536
When I speak about the "cost of money" I am talking about just that. Allow me to explain it here to avoid boring you by repeating the same definition whenever I talk about it. All money has a cost
Money is either used to make you money or you have lost the opportunity for your money to make ... Views: 620
It was Kipling who gave us what was perhaps the greatest advice for business success and, in fact, success in life that has ever been given. He told us the key to success in all areas when he said "I had six honest serving men. They taught me all I knew. Their names were: where and what and when ... Views: 610
Perhaps the biggest mistake you can make is being afraid to make a mistake. What is the worst that can happen? In most cases it will be minor. Don't be afraid to say "I screwed up". "I was wrong".
You might dent your ego and feel a bit embarrassed, but people will respect your candor and ... Views: 556