When your spouse or partner is struggling with depression, it can leave you feeling quite helpless. From the sidelines, you witness your loved one suffering and have no idea how to help them.
Fortunately, there are some constructive ways you can help your partner through a bout of ... Views: 504
Depression does not discriminate. It can impact anyone, even the superstar employee. As an employer, you may notice that a reliable employee has been arriving late to work or to meetings, or that your top producer seems distracted and unfocused. Excessive absenteeism, loss of interest in the ... Views: 605
Seasonal affective disorder, appropriately referred to as SAD, is a type of depressive disorder that may present itself during the winter season. SAD impacts about 5% of the U.S. population, and up to 10% of those regions further from the equator. Interestingly, about 80% of those who suffer ... Views: 806