Have you ever said to your kids, "You two fight like cats and dogs!" Is that true or do they just fight like normal brothers and sisters? Now ask, do your children know how to resolve, forgive and grow from their fights?
There are many examples of brothers and sisters who never learn how ... Views: 442
Have you ever seen this quote from C.S. Lewis, “What you too! I thought I was the only one!”
Frequently people say, “I’d go to a counselor except I don’t want people to know I have struggles.” Implying they are the only one with a struggle; see if you can find a person with a hurt, habit, ... Views: 476
Have you ever seen this quote from C.S. Lewis, “What you too! I thought I was the only one!”
Frequently people say, “I’d go to a counselor except I don’t want people to know I have struggles.” Implying they are the only one with a struggle; see if you can find a person with a hurt, habit, ... Views: 463
Are these your thoughts?
Ok, so yes, call me Cleopatra, the Queen of Denial. I have hurts, hang-ups, and bad habits that I won’t admit to and I have stuffed them for a long time. Now you tell me that I am powerless to heal myself from my hurts, hang-ups, and bad habits. So where is the ... Views: 980
Has nature ever taught you something? This week nature presented us with a remarkable learning experience.
As you may have noticed, the June Bugs are out. In response to their using our fruit and chestnut trees as a Smorgasbord, out came the spray rig loaded with insecticide. Our dog Blondie ... Views: 1046
Alice Mathews, in her book “A Woman God’s Spirit Can Guide,” writes:
God’s Spirit (like the wind) moves into our lives and guides us in many different ways. He can guide us through our disabilities as well as our abilities. At times, God’s Spirit leads through our circumstances, but other ... Views: 1206
Do you have a friend who attends Celebrate Recover? Has your friend ever asked you to come to a Celebrate Recovery gathering, but you turned down your friend's invitation because you had questions about Celebrate Recovery? Hopefully, this article will answer your questions. Let's start with ... Views: 952
This article is the second in a five part series of articles that looks at divorce and the children involved in the divorce. This article provided a discussion on the effect of divorce on children.
The divorce rate stands at 50% of all marriages, effecting more than 1 million children in ... Views: 5052
This article is the first in a five part series of articles that looks at divorce and the children involved in the divorce. This article examines the change in cultural attitude toward divorce.
Child development patterns have been studied and developmental theories, while helpful in ... Views: 3659
Here are some tips that you can do on your own. The tips are designed to be easy and practical. But as you have heard before, you should consult with your doctor or mental health professional.
? Understand the difference between good worry and negative worry.
1. Remembering items, ... Views: 1810
For teens it seems like everyone else is confident and successful … except them.
The teen years can be a very difficult time. For teenagers, the changes in their physical body and their hormonal changes can create a lack of self confidence and self esteem. Imagine how your teen’s bodily ... Views: 4125
What Are The Symptoms of a Panic Attack?
A panic attack generally comes without warning and is described as a sudden feeling of extreme terror or fear. This feeling of terror and panic may or may not be related to a current situation. The intensity of feelings and emotions are not in ... Views: 4774