Suvarna Prashana: An Ancient Ayurvedic Journey to Build Immunity
In the tapestry of India's rich heritage, Ayurvedic practices like Suvarna Prashana stand out as testaments to the enduring power of holistic well-being. This ancient practice, translating to "consuming gold," transcends the ... Views: 273
Ayurvedic Treatment for Low Back Ache: Natural Remedies for Effective Relief
Dealing with low back ache can be debilitating and distressing, affecting your daily activities and overall quality of life. Low back ache, also known as lumbago, is a common condition caused by ... Views: 412
Acne Treatment - Get Rid Of Pimples & Get Clear Skin
Get Rid Of Pimples And Get Clear Skin With This Amazing Acne Treatment.
Acne is a skin problem that can be treated with many different ways. This article gives you the best acne treatment for your face.
I’m sure you’ve seen the headlines ... Views: 505
Weight loss & Panchakarma
Ayurveda has different methods of treating various ailments and healing people suffering from the same. This certainly includes Panchakarma, which is regarded as the most precious gift to mankind by Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic experts and doctors often are seen ... Views: 575
Erectile Dysfunction is a condition that affects men of all ages. It can be caused by psychological, physical or hormonal factors. In some cases, the cause of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is unknown. While ED is not life-threatening, it can have a significant negative impact on your self-esteem and ... Views: 526
Ayurvedic Treatment of Post Chikungunya arthritis
Chikungunya is a viral infection that is transmitted by infected aedes aegypti mosquito. This mosquito lies & lays eggs in stagnated water. Small bite from such a mosquito is sufficient for infection of chikungunya. Chikungunya mainly causes ... Views: 588
IBS & Mal-absorption treatment in Nashik -
Mal absorption syndrome means number of disorders which occurs due to inability of gut line and its flora to absorb some nutrients from intestine. The osmotic load resulting from the inability of the intestine to absorb certain nutrients leading to ... Views: 541
Ayurvedic Treatment of Psoriasis -
Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes cells to develop rapidly on the skin. This overgrowth can lead to thick, scaly plaques that may itch or cause discomfort.
The main symptoms of psoriasis are red, flaky, crusty patches, that may have easily ... Views: 545
Want Fast weight loss? You must read this
- Dr.Yogesh Chavan, MD(Ayurveda),PhD Scholar
News of an actor or actress losing several kilos in just a few days for a movie is not new. In the last few days, such news has been read a lot. The part of this, an instant weight loss is more attractive. ... Views: 616
Hair fall & Ayurveda
Hair fall in Ayurveda is termed as Khalitya. It is classified under Shiroroga. Vitiated Pitta ie. Bhrajaka Pitta along with vitiated vata leads to weakening or withering of the hair form the hair roots. More over role of vitiated kapha along with rakta is also seen causing ... Views: 638
Weight Loss Nutrition Therapy
What is Weight loss Nutrition Therapy? This is a common query of most of the people but few of them could find the answer. Nutrition therapy could be the best way for the loss of your weight of all others. A balanced diet consists of essential nutrients which help ... Views: 614
How to Boost Immunity with Ayurveda
- Dr.Yogesh Chavan, MD (Ayurveda)Kerala
Our Immune system is our body’s first defense mechanism which fights against all external factors responsible to create disease; external factors include all types of virus, bacteria, fungal infections etc.
... Views: 1145
Trying for fast weight loss treatment within a month but nothing is working for you?
Have you tried many online medicines, nutrition product, diet type like Keto diet, Low carb diet, Intermittent fasting, Paleo diet but nothing is working then you are not alone. ... Views: 830
- Dr.Yogesh Chavan, MD(Ayu.Kerala)
PCOS / PCOD means Poly cystic ovarian Syndrome/ Disease in which woman’s ovaries or some time adrenal glands starts to produce more secretion of androgen hormones. These Hormones interfere in many systematic activities but mainly in ... Views: 748
Digestive Health : What is True ?
- Dr.Yogesh Chavan, MD(Ayu.Kerala)
ayurvedic treatment of digestive diseases nashik
Ayurvedic Classics has described importance of daily routine for maintaining excellent Digestive Health. Dr.Yogesh Chavan MD(Ayu.)Kerala is ... Views: 749
Spinal Care treatment in Nashik
Spine diseases and joint diseases is one of the most commonly heard problems from people in today’s day and age. And reason is our affection towards different gadgets.
Mobiles, PC and Tabs often make us position ourselves in uncomfortably while looking at the ... Views: 722
Ayurvedic treatment of skin diseases
The months of July and August comprise of the monsoon season. As per Ayurveda, this is the ideal opportunity for Pitta and Vata aggravation. All the warmth that gathers in the body in the summer is aggravated during the monsoon season. There are various skin ... Views: 786
पेट कि चर्बी कम करेंगी ये महत्वपुर्ण टीप्स
-Dr.Yogesh Chavan, MD(Ayu.)Kerala
पेट कि चर्बी बढना केवल सौंदर्य के लिए हानिकारक नही है बल्की ये स्वास्थ्य के लिए भी नुकसानदेह है।
आज कल की फास्ट जीवनपद्धती, फास्ट फुड का अधिक सेवन और व्यायाम का अभाव और ऎसी अन्य बहोत सी वजह से पेट के क्षेत्र मे ... Views: 882
Ayurvedic tips to cure Flu & Cold
1. To reduce or avoid congestion, treat yourself to a soothing tea, using fresh or ground spices: 2 parts ginger, 3 parts cinnamon, and a pinch of cardamom. Steep in hot water for 10–15 minutes. When the tea has cooled down, add a ... Views: 951
Shirodhara is an allied Panchakarma procedure, which has got worldwide popularity because of its simple administration and efficacy in variety of disorders. Pouring of liquid on head in Shirodhara is designed to relieve the psychological stress and mental fatigue. Acharya Vagbhata has considered ... Views: 951
What is panchakarma?
Panchakarma – Pancha means “five” and Karma means “Therapy or procedures”, Panchakarma means five-fold ayurvedic therapeutic procedures for body cleansing.
Panchakarma treatment is an efficient and miraculous Ayurvedic technique of treatment that cleanses or ... Views: 996
Nadi Pariksha is an Ayurvedic tool of Diagnosis which is practiced from long back. Nadi Pariksha is the science of observing the pulse From a perspective of diagnosis of the human body, mind and the sub-conscious. It is commonly known as pulse diagnosis. The pulse communicates ... Views: 945
Ayurveda deals with preserving health & treating diseases But Prime aim of ayurveda is to maintain healthy state of life of individual. And for that Ayurveda Samhita has mentioned different diet and lifestyle schedule in each season which helps to maintain the health, which is called ... Views: 913
The months of July and August comprise of the monsoon season. As per Ayurveda, this is the ideal opportunity for Pitta and Vata aggravation. All the warmth that gathers in the body in the summer is aggravated during the monsoon season. There are various skin diseases predominant in the rainy ... Views: 815
Leucoderma is more commonly known as vitiligo. It is characterized by white patches developing on your body and it can happen to any part of the body. The reason why vitiligo occurs is because melanocytes, which comprise the pigment known as melanin, get damaged. Melanin imparts your skin its ... Views: 933
Urticaria (Sheetapitta) : Ayurveda remedies
Urticaria is raised itchy rashes with pain on skin in the areas like eyes, throat, cheeks, lips, hands. Urticaria is a very common skin disease. Urticaria rashes range in size, from a few millimeters to several inches in diameter. It is also known ... Views: 906
These days incidences of life-style-related diseases are alarmingly high. Life style is an important factor related to health and attracts more interest by researchers. Diet is greatest factor in life style and has direct and positive relationship with health. Due to modernization, life style ... Views: 1035
Gridhrasi is what Sciatica is known as in Ayurveda. It is the disorder that causes mild to agonizing pain in the sciatic nerve or neuralgia. These nerves, emerging from the pelvis, run along the hamstring and may cause intense pain in one or both the legs when a person suffers from Sciatica. ... Views: 904
Ayurveda & Kidney Stone
There are several diseases with fatal consequences. Mootrashmari (Renal calculi/Stone) is one of them. This is a chronic disorder with acute and severe pain and if it is not managed by proper treatment, patient may face fatal consequences. However, it is manageable with ... Views: 1038
Ayurveda tips to treat Cervical Spondylosis (Osteoarthritis of Neck)
Cervical spondylosis is a common degenerative condition of the cervical spine which is caused by age-related changes in the cushion between the joints of the neck and the neck bone. It is also called as Osteoarthritis of ... Views: 1018
Urticaria (Sheetapitta) : Ayurveda remedies
Urticaria is raised itchy rashes with pain on skin in the areas like eyes, throat, cheeks, lips, hands. Urticaria is a very common skin disease. Urticaria rashes range in size, from a few millimeters to several inches in diameter. It is also known ... Views: 1326
Ayurvedic Treatment of Chickengunya arthritis -
Chikungunya is a viral infection that is transmitted by infected aedes aegypti mosquito. Symptoms includes- fever, nausea,vomiting , rashes then joint pain etc. There are many medicines in ayurveda which are highly effective in controlling ... Views: 1114
Yoga & Pranayama for healthy & glowing Skin
Dr.Yogesh Chavan, M.D.(Ayu.)
Beautiful glowing skin is dream of every woman. If you are in search of remedy for beautiful ageless skin, then Yoga & Pranayama is one of them. Many researchers have proven that yoga has positive effects on the skin & ... Views: 977
Headache is pain & aches in the region of forehead, scalp, behind eyes, temple & neck, it can be mild, moderate to severe & can be acute or chronic in origin. Nature of the pain can be throbbing, squeezing, pulsating, constant, unrelenting, or intermittent. In ayurveda this is called as ... Views: 1023
Uterine fibroids are benign growths, which originate in the walls of the uterus. They are also known as 'myomas' or 'fibromyomas' and their sizes tend to vary. You may not realize that you have a fibroid as they do not cause many problems.
The causes of uterine fibroids are
1. ... Views: 947