When we come to this world, we know nothing. In the universe of a child, there are no norms to follow, no rigid rules and regulations; there’s real freedom. Children are born free spirits. The way we think and behave as adults are shaped by our environment: family, school, religion and political ... Views: 1012
Looking back on my life, I came to realize that I didn’t know how to be happy. I continuously kept myself busy, always running somewhere so I could achieve more or better. Turning my happiness into a project and waiting for “the big things” to happen so I could finally feel joyful and ... Views: 969
“Your partner’s flaws are your own, because you’re projecting them.” – Byron Katie
Being in a romantic relationship with someone is easy. Keeping the relationship fulfilling, happy and alive is a process that also requires an ongoing inside job.
Let’s be honest with this one. We often tend ... Views: 655
“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul. “ – Mario Quintana
Looking back on my life, I can recall there were two days I was looking for every year: my birthday and March 8th. In my home country, Romania, that’s not only a Mother’s day ... Views: 1150
“Life is the sum of your choices.” – Albert Camus
I spent the highest amount of my years very disempowered and lost, not knowing what I truly wanted in life. During the time I was working for a multinational company, I often used to ask my managers what to do next in my career and what future ... Views: 1054
“ One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.
“One is Evil – It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false ... Views: 985
Giving is a form of receiving. I get to know that every single time I meet with a client. My work is my way of giving love to the world and making it a better place. Seeing other women celebrating their growth and achievements – it makes my heart sing.
One of the things I find amazing with ... Views: 791
When I was six, my father bought me a violin and that was a life-changing gift. I wouldn’t say I was a mind-blowing talent but I was good with music and I enjoyed spending time studying it. At the age of ten, I started to give small concerts. At first for my family and our circle of friends; ... Views: 1238
“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” (Rumi)
One of the most common sources of conflict among people is in the way we communicate. Oftentimes, conflicts do not arise because of the diversity of opinions and beliefs. Diversity is necessary for thought ... Views: 1553
This sentence rings the bell with me and with many women I’ve worked with: “I don’t know who I am anymore!” The question is: “Have you ever known who you really are?”
We live in a society that puts high pressure on young girls and women to fit certain standards of intelligence and beauty. ... Views: 1300
I spent 15 years of my life in the corporate world and used to define my human worth through my profession and the social status on my business card.
At the time, building a successful career meant the world to me. I was keeping myself busy all the time, always in a rush, wanting to do more ... Views: 1398
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