Did you know there’s such a thing as environmental grief? It’s the despair we feel when we look at the state of the environment around us. From wildlife woes to climate instability, there are plenty of issues and concerns to keep us up at night.
Thankfully, there are also plenty of ways we ... Views: 523
We’ve all heard the saying “If you have a job you truly love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” While that sentiment is true in many cases, it’s unfortunately not the reality for most people. In fact, surveys reveal that 52% of Americans are unhappy with their work.
Even if you ... Views: 623
We all have days where we wished we would have stayed in bed. For some, all it takes is a little dreary weather, and the blues start cropping up. Or, maybe a series of small incidents and setbacks during your morning routine has thrown your entire day off balance. Either way, once you’re stuck ... Views: 998
It’s no secret that we live in a society that encourages us to be self-focused. Every time we turn on our televisions, listen to the radio, or drive by a billboard, we see messages advertising the latest beauty product, skincare regime, or clothing fad. If we let them, these announcements of how ... Views: 1156
When we set out on a journey to reach a new goal, we often do so with gusto. We’re extremely motivated in the beginning because everything feels fresh. It doesn’t take too long, however, before the enthusiasm wanes and real life sets in. It’s the reason we stick closely to our diets in January, ... Views: 1042
When I was expecting my first child, I had several friends who had transitioned into work-from-home careers. Some went into multi-level marketing, some sold handmade crafts online, and others were fortunate enough to find a flexible employer who allowed remote employees.
After weighing my ... Views: 1430