Is patience still a virtue in our almost-instant gratification world? Here's why just a little patience can help you make better decisions.
In our fast-food, fast-fashion, fast-paced, want-it-all-now world, it can be easy to wonder if patience is truly a virtue. It often seems so easy to get ... Views: 747
For new, religious parents, the question of when it is the right time to introduce religion to your children can be a tricky one.
We know that education is, in Judaism as well as Christianity, the foundation stone upon which religion is built. When Judaism’s greatest leader, prophet and sage, ... Views: 746
It should not come as a surprise to anyone that the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews’ (IFCJ or The Fellowship) Founder and President Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein is devoted to the idea of family.
The Fellowship’s mission, to help Israel’s needy - be they Holocaust Survivors, widows, ... Views: 915
Religion is an essential part of the framework of our modern lives - whether we are believers of any faith or none. Many people would claim that religions poison groups and individuals against one another as if it were a Them and Us situation.
The history of religions is also the history of ... Views: 2940
When discussing the topic of how Jews in history have viewed Christians it is crucial to also look at the geopolitical context in which we ask the question.
The earliest Christians - including Paul, or Saul as he was originally known - were mistrusted by Jews. It must be remembered that ... Views: 904
In the Judaism, the mezuzah is a ubiquitous symbol. Even in secular households, it's common to see the decorative case affixed upon doorways. Inside the case is a piece of parchment paper with a sacred Jewish prayer.
"And thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy ... Views: 1779
As the saying goes, “There are no atheists in a foxhole.” That being said, is it more powerful to pray alone or in a group?
For thousands of years, Judaism has held the belief that wherever ten Jewish men gather, the Divine Presence resides among them. The Talmud states that "sanctification" ... Views: 1231
Bread is considered to be one the staples of life, but it is also a deeply symbolic food for both Christians and Jews. The Bible is replete with references to bread, showing its deep significance as a means of sustenance and also a conduit with which to praise God.
It is first mentioned in ... Views: 1719
In the 21st century we live in an increasingly diverse world, where the movement of people and ideas occurs at a dizzying pace – and this includes people’s religious beliefs.
Trying to teach children about tolerance in general, especially when there seems to increasingly be a dearth of it ... Views: 1259
The Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippur (September 19) is considered the holiest day of the year for the Nation of Israel. It is observed by completely fasting for 25 hours and spending the day in prayer and self-reflection.
“For on this day atonement shall be made for you to cleanse you of all ... Views: 1348
How can a bone smaller than your thumb cause so much pain? Keep reading to discover the true impact of tailbone injuries.
Measuring less than one-inch long, one wouldn't expect that the tailbone could cause so much pain when it's injured. However, this itty bitty bone has a big job as part of ... Views: 1050
The importance of religion in young Americans’ lives is in danger. According to trends illuminated by the most recent Pew Study on religious life in America, there is a clear downward trend in the importance of religious life in younger people compared to older people - and this trend is growing ... Views: 1406