I have spent most of the last twenty years researching, studying, writing and speaking about Time Management and Personal Productivity. I have learned a whole lot and my full-time mission now is to share that knowledge through my writings, seminars, consulting and keynotes with people who want ... Views: 748
We’ve all had this experience. We walk into a meeting for six people at 2:00 p.m. and five out of the six are there but one is not and so we wait. And we wait some more and eventually the other person comes strolling in and our 2:00 p.m. meeting now begins at 2:15 having kept five on-time people ... Views: 959
By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
You spend a lot of time reliving memories from the past. Some memories are positive and uplifting and give our days a bounce, enhancing our productivity and results. Other memories are not so bright and bum us out, draining our spirits and ... Views: 653
By Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
There’s a rule known as the Pareto Principle. It teaches us that 20% of our efforts produce 80% of our results. The additional 80% of our efforts will only yield an additional 20% of results. The first thrust of effort then is the most ... Views: 718
By Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
I take Time Management very seriously. I have conducted over 2,000 presentations as a professional speaker on Time Management over the last twenty years to over 100, 000 people. But a good laugh now and then is as important as our serious side.
So, I ... Views: 810
Manage Appointments & Scheduled Events
By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
All of your time management requirements fall within one of two categories. You have appointments and scheduled events, time specific commitments you have made to be somewhere at a particular time. All other obligations are ... Views: 769
By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
You develop your jam packed “to do” list the night before. You awake to the new day ready to conquer the world. But the sun is shining after a long winter. It warms your soul. The birds are singing and the fresh scent of new flowers breaking ground is all ... Views: 821
The Eleven Biggest Lies
By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
In the world of Time Management there are things said to us that we accept as truth and we act accordingly. The problem is sometimes they are not truths. They are lies and as we believe them, they waste our time.
Those who speak these lies to ... Views: 843
Talk with most anyone and ask them what they think are the top issues in time management and you will get answers such as, “Having a well prepared “to do” list”, “Managing multiple priorities”, “Managing Meeting time”, “Handling the flood of paperwork and emails”. All are good responses but ... Views: 698
In my Time Management seminars which I have conducted for more than 100,000 people from around the globe, I show people how to get more done in less time, with less stress; to help them have more time for the things they want to do in their work and business lives.
If you can recapture a wasted ... Views: 698
You have 24 hours in every day, seven days a week for a total of 168 hours to accomplish what needs to be done in your life. And every day, eleven time thieves gang up on you and work to take some of that precious time away from productive use. Let me introduce you to this inconsiderate ... Views: 907
As I conduct my Time Management Seminars all over, my audiences consistently tell me they want more out of life. Almost everyone I speak with has a yearning for improving several aspects of their lives. They have dreams and goals about their futures that are as yet unrealized.
Many come to the ... Views: 1039
Crisis Management, for the most part is when a deadline has snuck up behind you and robbed you of all choice. And crisis management, for the most part, is poor time management. Why? You’re under pressure, maybe cutting corners. Things can slip through the cracks. Your stress level is increased. ... Views: 762
Crisis Management, for the most part is when a deadline has snuck up behind you and robbed you of all choice. And crisis management, for the most part, is poor time management. Why? You’re under pressure, maybe cutting corners. Things can slip through the cracks. Your stress level is increased. ... Views: 1058
Crisis Management, for the most part is when a deadline has snuck up behind you and robbed you of all choice. And crisis management, for the most part, is poor time management. Why? You’re under pressure, maybe cutting corners. Things can slip through the cracks. Your stress level is increased. ... Views: 735