We are flooded with information from the internet these days. Everyone is vying for three seconds of your attention – product marketers, friends, cousins, grandmothers, and every imaginable individual you might encounter. When you add it all up, there isn’t much time left to digest and manage ... Views: 937
While doing my rounds across India, hiring from at least 6 IITs across India — its jewels in the technical education crown, I have seen how otherwise smart kids, lose out because they did not ‘brand’ themselves well. Here is an open letter to all those kids who are getting ready to step into the ... Views: 897
When I started reading business books, one of the genre I picked up was biographies/life stories/success stories of successful people. Gates! Jobs! Buffet! But not all of us can be those people; nor will our circumstances be the same as theirs when they were able to achieve phenomenal ... Views: 1436
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Personal Brand: It Develops Over Time - by Your ingenuity, experience and big ideas can have a powerful impact on your world. All your web activity, your visual profile, and every person and web site that broadcasts information about you adds to your personal image, your reputation, your brand.
Support When You Need It Most
Some might think that success is something that is based on good fortune, but my experience has me believing that it has more to do with a good support system, either intrinsic or external, and the earlier the better. Why? Because support can lead to success. In ... Views: 885
We might live in similar looking houses, have similar jobs, and dress in a similar way, but if you polled everyone with, “Do you consider yourself unique?” you can be sure the answer would be a resounding, “Yes!”
“Always remember that you are all absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.”
- ... Views: 748