Everyone has irritating things going on in their lives that can be infuriating if they let their minds dwell on them. Often it is just a small thing that the mind has blown out of all proportion. The mind, being creative, thinks the dilemma as being worse than it is, it imagines the situation in ... Views: 2399
The use of a higher level vocabulary often causes problems for new students to a new subject area.
Some authors use vocabulary to create a perception of expertise but this is not good if you want to send your message out to a wide audience.
Some academic texts are set in a different ... Views: 3839
Can Men Think for Themselves?
I am an independent person, I can look after myself.
Can I? Really!
Well I thought I could.
Six moths ago I split with my partner of sixteen years. Although the outcome was traumatic but inevitable, the aftermath has been amicable; my ex-partner is my new best ... Views: 2480
Is it possible for two or more people living independently of each other to have the same thought?
The answer is that it is highly likely on a superficial level, but on an advanced level is highly unlikely. For example, many people perform the same actions at the same time and these actions ... Views: 2043
Making a Cup of Tea
An area of thought is that Nature provides Universal Resources that allows us to create anything that we want to create. Nature has provided all of the resources for everything that has been created in the past and Nature will provide all the resources for everything that ... Views: 2477
In a recent article by JD Dean Signs of a Cheating Boyfriend there appears a reference to a well know incorrect saying;
"You can't have your cake and eat it"
Why is this incorrect?
Simply, you can have your cake and you can eat it, it is just that there will be no cake left.
However, ... Views: 2730
Are you as bright as a 10 year old?
There are three levels of high school education in the UK.
Standard non-selective
Selective Grammar School
Selective Independent Schools
Statistics indicate that selective schools perform academically higher than non-selective schools. This is because ... Views: 3693