The Kingdom of God
Greek: ( ???????? ??? ????, Basileia tou Theou)
The kingdom of God - Basileia tou Theou
The kingdom of Heaven - Basileia t?n Ouran?n
For the past centuries there’s been a controversial myth about the kingdom of God that is to come. The miss interpretations of the ... Views: 2963
The Book of Revelations
For the past decades many people were lead astray by false doctrines and religions. Fear and superstition overwhelmed and blindfolded many believers and kept them away from the true power and knowledge of Jesus Christ. I believe the reason for all this madness is, ... Views: 1827
The end of the world!
The end of this age / the last hour.
Millions of Christians are confused, because they do not read the clear description of Jesus about the end of the World in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Many people believe that we live in the last days and the world is ... Views: 2146
How can you find that which was never lost?
Across the globe, people converse about recession and it makes me wonder what establishes the value of the Dollar or the Rand, What determines the value of gold? Can oil know its worth? Does a diamond know its own value?
In my study, I found ... Views: 1869
Accurate Christianity
Every person is special, unique, and deserves the utmost respect. Every person is a celebrity and a king! Your boss, your teacher, your parents, and even the beggar on the corner are special and unique and deserve respect too! We were all fashioned and formed in the ... Views: 1967
The artist’s expression of his inner self is hidden in the art and the beauty of his painting. Look deep enough into any type of art, and you will find the mystery of an invisible dream that started of in a single seed in the heart and the very essence of the architect.
If we gaze upon ... Views: 2633
In 1895, the United States Supreme Court noted that:
The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law, axiomatic and elementary, and its enforcement lies at the foundation of the administration of our criminal law. The Coffin Court, after ... Views: 2707