1. It’s more important what you think of you than what others think of you.When you think well of yourself and know your strengths, others can’t help but turn their
thinking in that direction.
2. Everyone has been hurt in some way. Whether through bullying, abuse, or insensitive remarks, ... Views: 1721
Have you ever thought, "If only I could know that the decision I'm making is the right one for me." Actually you do have a way to know - it's your intuition. Your intuition is possibly the best friend you'll ever have. Even when you are not sure of it, it's there for you.
So how do you ... Views: 918
You Hold the Key To Your Future
You’ve heard that the past is not your future. You’ve also heard that you hold the key to your future. “How can that be?” you ask. “When I’m not even sure about the present.”
To that I say, do something different. Change the way you see, feel, and think about ... Views: 3698
Rather than being elusive, or catch as catch can, intuition is a trustworthy ally operating perfectly under the right conditions. So what is it that determines the right conditions?
The following ideas give you what you need to engage your ally with ease.
What You Consistently Say to ... Views: 1981
Why agonize about making decisions or solving problems when you have your intuition to help? Everyone can benefit by knowing how to access this valuable resource. Apply the following ideas and watch your confidence level soar!
1. Enjoy your work or recreational activity. The enjoyment you ... Views: 1985