Despite multiple researches on the importance of nutritional supplements on health, some people still raise question “it is necessary to take nutritional supplements to balance my diet?” The answer is direct and simple, yes; along with your diet, you need food supplements for your body to have ... Views: 834
These days, the fight against aging is as intense as the fight against disease. From skin products to plastic surgery, there are many ways to reverse signs of aging. After all, there is nothing rewarding to see your face covered with wrinkles and black heads. Although you cannot prevent cellular ... Views: 1118
You cannot know the importance of your health if you have never lost it. Unfortunately, when you lose your health, you often cannot regain it. When it comes to pathogenic factors, people tend to concern more about diet environment. Nevertheless, the air we breathe is one of the top factors that ... Views: 1270
To better understand how ultraviolet rays purify water, let us try to compare them to sunlight. The sun projects ultraviolet rays on the earth (after being absorbed by the ozone layer). These rays kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts, molds, and mites in the air and water, and on surfaces. UV ... Views: 1336
Surviving cancer is the fact that you continue to live after being diagnosed and treated with the disease. Survival can lead to remission for some years or complete healing. The chance of surviving cancer differs depending on the type of cancer, your lifestyle (diet, environment, etc.), and most ... Views: 1015
Every day, more and more people are turning to Naturopathy to find a solution with their health problems. Some of them even feel more comfortable with natural medicine than drugs prescribed by their physicians, often filled with negative effects. If in the past herbal medicine was used mostly in ... Views: 1673
Part of the male reproductive system, the prostate gland secretes and stores the seminal fluid (the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract). It is a very important gland in the body of man. However, the prostate is often subject of three major ... Views: 1257
A healthy diet is essential to maintain your health and a normal weight. However, unlike what many believe, eating well does not mean abandoning all tasty foods, or give up on all foods you like; it is, instead, choosing a variety of foods from all groups such as fruits, vegetables, grains, ... Views: 830
Being healthy means you feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. According to WHO (World Health Organization), "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. To enjoy life, you need to be healthy. However, having a ... Views: 903
Before Bob Marley died, he said to his son Ziggy "Money can't buy life." He was right; all fortune on earth cannot buy health once it is too deteriorated. In fact, if gold and silver could buy health, there would not be so many diseases in the United States. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and ... Views: 1026
Rent cost is money you spent which you will never get back. Buying a home is, in contrast, an investment. However, it is an important decision you take that can affect you for life positively or negatively. To buy a home (at least if you are not one of the super rich Americans) you need a ... Views: 1071
If you have kidney stones, you are not alone; more than 5 percent of the American population suffers from this medical condition according to National Kidney and Urology Disease Information (NKUDI). In fact, this number is increasing annually. Important is know the cause and means to flush the ... Views: 1129
Gout is a chronic condition characterized by excessive levels of uric acid in your blood (hyperuricemia). As you know, this disease can cause excruciating pain. However, there is more than that, when gout left untreated, it can lead to serious complications. Those hardened crystals increasing ... Views: 1103
Chelation therapy is a the use of a chelating agent Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) to detoxify the body of certain minerals and heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, etc.) that could impair your health. In addition, chelation is also used in alternative treatment of other medical ... Views: 1153
Formation of cancer cells results from mutation of normal cells that escape the normal restraint on cell division. That is, those cells function differently of other cells in a tissue. This anomie causes the development of cancer cells, which gradually multiply and possibly affect other normal ... Views: 1208
If curing colon cancer is very difficult, it is quite contrary to prevent it. In fact, the majority of cancers of the rectum and colon could be prevented through regular checkup (examination or inspection), healthy lifestyle (eating healthy foods, regular colon cleansing, exercise, etc.), and ... Views: 900
Despite progress of medical science, breast cancer continues its destructive effects in all social class, poor and rich, black and white. It is estimated that breast cancer will affects one woman in eight will develop cancer during their lifetime. With around 42 000 new cases each year, this ... Views: 980
Importance of a good college education is inestimable; its profit is incalculable. Although college tuition can cost you a few thousand dollars, not going can cost much more in your lifetime. In fact, there are plenty of available financial aid options to help you face the cost of your college ... Views: 956
Your body is constantly dealing with internal and external aggressions. These attacks may be bacterial, viral, fungal, but also pollution and malfunction of some internal organs. Whatever the measures of prevention you can take, it is possible that you fall sick. When sickness comes, nothing is ... Views: 793
“I am sorry, you have cancer” is a devastating news no one wants to hear from a physician in these days. Not only the disease is life threatening, but also the side effects of the treatment make the bravest man stumbles. For most people, cancer is like a death sentence, which is not true at ... Views: 995
Kidney stones result of the formation of crystals of salts and minerals in the urine. By sticking together, these crystals may form in the kidneys or urinary tract stones (renal lithiasis) of different size vary from a grain of sand to a large golf ball.
In most cases, the stones are made of ... Views: 888
According to National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), overweight is having extra body weight from muscle, bone, fat, and/or water. Millions of Americans are overweight or obese, which puts them at risk for many diseases and conditions.
To lose weight, most people just go on diets. ... Views: 864
On a daily basis, your body comes in contact with harmful toxins that can cause numerous health challenges and a decreased quality of life. Heavy metals are in our environment and nothing can be done to change that. We can limit the amount of new heavy-metal toxins entering our planet (although ... Views: 748
Stress is a normal feeling that happens in everyone’s life one time or another. It can encourage you to remain focus on something or get things done. We all have it sometimes in our life. Certain occasions are known to cause stress. For some people, it happens before having to speak in ... Views: 1068
Not long ago, the answer to this question would be no. Today, due to the progress of Anti-Aging Medicine, The answer to the question "Can you delay aging?" is Yes, without any ambiguity. The products and technologies exist; they can delay, suspend, or even reverse degenerative number of effects ... Views: 1038
Air pollution is a type of pollution defined by a deterioration of the purity of the air, by one or several substances or particles present during sufficient times to create a toxic effect. Now days, there are tens of thousands of different suspected molecules that are said to be noxious. Those ... Views: 2445
It is always difficult to promote the use of natural methods to treat this disease. Cancer is a very serious disease, which kills millions of people throughout the world and particularly in the West. Traditional medicine wants to arrogate to itself the exclusive right of scrutiny and treatment ... Views: 1183
A Nail is a horn-like structure at the end of an animal's finger or toe made of a tough protein called keratin. The major enemies of nails are water, cold, aggressive manicures, detergents, certain solvents, allergic substances, trauma. The fingernails and toenails may also suffer from fungal ... Views: 1031
The heart is a powerful organ that works constantly, without ever pausing to rest. Stopping to function for a few seconds means disaster. Cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death in developed countries. Each year 1.5 million people suffer a heart attack; 250,000 will die as a result ... Views: 891
Diabetes is a disease caused by a failure of the biological mechanisms for regulating blood sugar, due to insufficient of the production of insulin (hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy) by the pancreas. The disease is characterized by a significant ... Views: 723
Clean air is a basic precondition of our health. However, most of the people in United States and other developed countries suffer from exposure to many air pollutants that put our health at risk. Air pollution affects our health in different ways from simple to serious problems. For example, ... Views: 1124
Of all water in the world, only 3% is fresh (water with less than 0.5 parts per thousand dissolved salts). Less than one third of the 1% is available for human use. The rest is frozen in glaciers or in the polar ice caps, or even in the depths of the earth where we can not have access. This 1% ... Views: 1155
The Ultra-violet lamps of a water treatment by UV produce UV-C. No UV-C rays from the sun ever come into contact with life on earth, they are completely filtered by the atmosphere. However, man produced UV-C rays do. The UV-C lamps are used in biology laboratory for the effects of germicides. ... Views: 932
Do you feel tired, or run out of energy all the times? Do you find it difficult to sleep? Do you have bags under your eyes? Do you have skin rashes, acnes, or cellulite? Do you have digestive problems? Do you have problems with constipation? Do you suffer from internal infections? Do you notice ... Views: 1122
Hair is a slender threadlike outgrowth of protein on the skin of the skull. The hair is a reflection of our way of life! As soon as we stressed, tired, sick, it has an impact on our hair. It becomes dull, brittle, and sometimes fall. The hair falls (45 to 60 per day) and renewed permanently. ... Views: 1203
The human body, to function properly, requires a number of essential nutrients. Some of them are synthesized by the organism, but several are present in the food we consume daily. However, what we eat does not necessarily provide our daily Nutritional Supplements need.
To stay healthy, we need ... Views: 747
Air pollution effects greatly human health, mainly the respiratory and cardiovascular system. The individual reactions to air pollutants vary depending on the type of agent to which people are exposed, the degree of exposure and health conditions, and genetic factor of the person. Air pollutants ... Views: 1147
Being a woman is more than having feminine organs, is learning to understand your body at different stages of life and anticipate the small ailments before they become real problems. Your body’s needs when you were a 17-year-old girl cannot be the same as when you are a 57 year old. ... Views: 916
Alternative Medicine is a non-conventional medicine aiming to "rebalance" the functioning of the body by means of natural remedies, healthy food, healthy lifestyle, and exercises. It is not based on drugs taking only to relief one disease and cause 100’s more. Unlike the conventional ... Views: 762
The medical studies are alarming: during their lives, most people are affected by lower back pain. This medical condition is responsible for more incapacity and sick leave than any other is. Check out the fact:
• Eight out of ten have suffered or will suffer from this debilitating ... Views: 1136