Would you like to affect a change – big or small, in your own life or in the life of another – it is essential to master the art of influence and empowerment.
So, how do you do this?
It begins with the act of listening. The single most important gift we can offer anyone is the gift of ... Views: 1179
Society, at least as it was when I was a young adult, expected that women should and would get married. In fact, women still didn't really even have to worry about having a career - as long as we married and had a man to take care of us. And heaven help us if we made it into our mid to late 20's ... Views: 1055
Roommates, you may have had one when you were in college or just starting out so that you had someone to share the burden of expenses while you worked to become financially independent. Then eventually you met someone, took the leap of marriage and rather than having a roommate you now had a ... Views: 1323
Hmmm, I know, you're thinking, "how can anyone be married to a single man?". Yep, crazy. I would never have believed it possible either, then one day I realized that that is how I was able to best describe my marriage!
Really! When I said "I do" I thought that meant that we (my husband and I) ... Views: 980
I know, I know. Everyone expects to have sex on their honeymoon, right?! That's what you hear your whole life. Sex on your wedding night - to finally consummate the relationship, then sex, sex, sex and more sex throughout the entire honeymoon. After all, this is the person you've been saving ... Views: 2509