Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, who’s had some success in his little California book store, recently said that if you double the amount of experiments you do each year you’re going to double your inventiveness. How often do we think of experimenting with our own thoughts, feelings and behaviors? Take, for ... Views: 681
Last year I was teaching my Organizational Dynamics class. It was a large class of adults with years of business experience. While discussing the verisimilitude of change management, the class listed thirty factors for effective change management. We took these thirty factors and did a lazy ... Views: 700
Measure twice, cut once. -Old saying-
Two well-respected authors in the field of conflict resolution, Susan Carpenter and W.J.D. Kennedy, have eloquently codified the types of mistakes people make in large-scale public disputes. A mistake I often ... Views: 879
In their best selling book Getting to Yes, Roger Fisher and William Ury talk about the shared interests of negotiating parties. A report in LikedIn Influencers highlights Virgin Airline's founder and billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson ... Views: 760
Let’s talk about burnout. Burnout, in addition to being a cool descriptor for a killer day at the office, is actually a psychological disorder from the interpersonal class of occupational stressors. But, instead of stemming from butting heads with your boss or frustration with “the system,” ... Views: 1105
Small changes can lead to big changes. We don’t need a treatise on Chaos Theory to observe that changing systems are nonlinear. Each variable in the change environment exponentially affects the outcome. For example, a simple three-variable closed environment will yield 6 permutations, while 6 ... Views: 922
It may not come as much of a surprise to learn that some people enjoy arguments. They look forward to them and literally get health benefits from the experience. This is a fact. Others, however, do not like to argue. For these people, an argument is an unpleasant and unhealthy experience, one ... Views: 4824
Professor Marie McIntyre of Georgia’s Institute of Government has researched the relationship between managers and personality. Her findings confirmed my own experiences as a psychologist and a consultant, and probably will confirm yours as well. Managerial types are more analytical then ... Views: 885
A few years ago I was asked to give a lecture at Princeton University. The students wanted to know what stressors to expect from their initial experiences in the working world and how these stressors would affect them. Although this was an academic presentation, I was surprised to see that their ... Views: 1096
"Know thyself" - Plato
According to an American Society for Training and Development study, job knowledge is the only thing that ranks higher than communication in determining good leadership. One of the most important ways a leader communicates to his or her group is by example and ... Views: 7455
“A beginning is a time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct”
Frank Herbert, Dune
New on the job or working with a new hire? The greatest job strain at such a time comes from the occupational stress domain referred to as Role Ambiguity, or the ...“A ... Views: 1147
There are three types of people in this world, those who can count and those who cannot.
If you're in management long enough, you will eventually experience a significant change in your company. This is usually followed by an intense and often quite justified sense of betrayal by those most ... Views: 1264
Attitude might not exactly be everything when dealing with conflict management, but it sure plays a big part. The most productive attitude in addressing disputes, especially in the initial stages, is one of letting go of resentment toward the other party. Regardless of what events have ... Views: 1070
Facilitative Leadership
The days of the dominating, stand-alone charismatic leader are long gone. Given that today’s projects are often costly and complex, and that group members are talented, specialized, and expensive, the charismatic leader model is something to be avoided—it’s the business ... Views: 1355