Have you been trying to make big (or small) changes in your life for a while now, and they're either just not sticking or you’re becoming overwhelmed and quitting? If you need support in blowing past old beliefs, challenges, patterns, habits or if you’re in a big transition in your life right ... Views: 1876
So I’m sitting here eating a beet salad and I thought: "what better thing to talk about in a health article than the beautiful beet"?
Beets are an amazing health food. They contain powerful nutrient compounds that help protect against heart disease, birth defects and certain cancers, ... Views: 1353
The Olympics are over. The last giant, inflatable beaver has left the building. Plushenko and his "platinum" medal are back in Russia. And Canada goes back to work, moose antler hat put away for another time. This Olympics, for me and many others, will go down as the BEST Olympics, and for many ... Views: 1365
Are you Hungry?
Here's an interesting idea - I was reading a great blog...ironically, this blog was ABOUT blogging [http://www.fridaytrafficreport.com], and came across an interesting post on what makes us, collectively, more likely to "rise to the occasion" and churn out our best work. The ... Views: 1129
Healthy Food Trades, continued!
In a previous post, I talked about healthy food trades you can make to gently alter your diet to a more healthy version of itself. Let's continue that discussion with another upgrade I encourage you to make!
4. Trade your soft drinks for a natural ... Views: 1278
Tradesies! Trading your food for the Healthier Version!
Remember how you used to trade lunches at school, scamming a much more appetizing meal from your friend for the boring "same-old" that your mom packed for you? Well, with that spirit in mind, let's look at some basic trades you can make ... Views: 1355