An interesting thing happened to me whilst attending the National Achievers Congress last weekend at Excel, London.
The final speaker before Sir Richard Branson came on and he looked amazing, fit, vibrant, full of gung-ho and positivity.
The guy was incredible and then he said he was ... Views: 973
1. Now Is Always The Time To:
Here’s a Simple Insight: Dare to slow down!
Here’s why-Even if you are tearing along at a million
miles an hour, anxious, negative thoughts and feelings
still take you NO-WHERE (only ... Views: 898
Financial Fight Back Tip No.1
Sit down and re evaluate your monthly finances. Get all your bank statements, standing orders, bank transfers, Direct Debits, monthly receipts out and onto the table or wherever you have a flat surface to work from and input all the info into a simple form ... Views: 980
What's the true cost - not to invest?
Yeh, Yeh, Blah, Blah -'Get me New York on the Phone' - 'You've got to speculate to accumulate' and all that ol' malarky!
Sound familiar? er, no...
I do agree that we should be ever-evolving, ever-learning and ever-challenging our current existence ... Views: 960
Silly question right?
Here are 7 easy ways that you can be happier, just make one simple change a day and in just a week you'll notice the difference in your life.
There no right time/day to start being happier so just start the plan when you read this, no need to 'wait' for tomorrow, as ... Views: 967
I have been conducting very successful 1-2-1 hypnosis and NLP sessions for many years.
Last year I ventured more into the digital side of life and by chance a client of mine wanted a session but could not get to my practice.
I had a Eureka moment and they become my first ‘less stress via ... Views: 904