For years I felt so much shame and guilt around being an emotional eater. Yet, that is just it. Emotional eaters tend to take on the weight of the world and feel more responsible than not. Did you get that? Taking on the weight of the world internally, lead to extra weight externally when we ... Views: 1056
Can we really accomplish anything great without support? All things in life require some sort of support to truly succeed. At this moment I’m looking at a mother dove in her nest, nestled upon a support beam. The foundation of my home has strong support that holds it up during storms. The ... Views: 2371
Emotional eating, binge eating, stress eating, trigger eating, compulsive eating all boil down to one thing. The trigger. The triggered compulsive feelings that drive an urge to splurge or binge are what leave us feeling helpless.
When you are triggered into overeating, you feel the anguish, ... Views: 1554
The first diet I went on (keyword “first” out of many) was calorie counting with Weight Watchers(R). They don’t like to use the word diet, but let’s face it, they are giving you numerical parameters to follow. When calorie counting later got such a bad rap, because it really didn’t solve our ... Views: 1271
Breaking free from emotional eating is more attainable than most of us first believe. I once walked out of a therapist's office, never to return after I asked him, "Is it really possible to heal this?" He said, "Yes, Laurel, it is possible." I didn't believe him and turned my back on getting ... Views: 1762
For years I felt so much shame and guilt around being an emotional eater. Yet, that is just it. Emotional eaters tend to take on the weight of the world and feel more responsible than not. Did you get that? The weight of the world.
The problem with emotional eating is when we gain extra ... Views: 1704