Nothing is everything. Nothing is that absolute. The next time someone tells you that nothing is impossible ask them to dribble a football.
However, your attitude does play major roles in everything you do, what you become, and how happy you are. We see everything through the filters in our ... Views: 1523
Pop cans have been sharing one of life’s most powerful lessons for years: No Deposit, No Return. Yet, millions of people sit on the sidelines wishing that something good will fall from the sky.
A deposit is something constructive that we do for ourselves or someone else. It can be as simple ... Views: 1421
Brian Tracy, Canadian-born American trainer and author, said, “Our mind is the most valuable possession we have. The quality of our lives is, and will be, a reflection of how well we develop, train, and utilize this precious gift.”
It has been said that 2% of the people think, 3% of the ... Views: 1467
Dr. David Hawkins, psychiatrist, physician, and spiritual teacher, said, "Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times,in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. This is the greatest gift ... Views: 1471
Everyone creates a mental house. It is a collection of mental images of where we are, who we live with, what we have done, where we are going, what’s holding us back and where we would rather be.
George Bernard Shaw, Irish-born British dramatist said, “The successful people in this world are ... Views: 1375
William James, American psychologist, said, “There is but one cause of human failure. And that is man’s lack of faith in his true Self.”
Maxwell Maltz, Canadian-born American plastic surgeon and author of Psycho-Cybernetics, said, “Self-image sets the boundaries of individual ... Views: 1359
What is the ultimate goal that we can achieve? Is it money and things? Or is it items that money cannot buy? Like happiness, peace of mind, and truly feeling at peace with who we have become?
The first half of my life I chased money. Even when I said money wasn’t the most important thing my ... Views: 1410
We can control what we say and how we say it. But we cannot control what is heard. People hear through emotional biases and desires. Some people hear what we say and they agree. Other people hear our words, yet miss our meaning. And still others get upset by something they heard, but we did not ... Views: 1352
What is luck? The most accurate definition I know is: “Luck is that moment in time when preparation meets opportunity.” When we are prepared, things go our way. When we are not, things fall apart. The key to having more luck is being better prepared.
So what is success? Success is more ... Views: 1891
Most people, when selling comes to mind, think in terms of individuals who spin yarns, stretch reality, and try to take advantage of others. These near-sighted self-centered individuals are not actually sales people; they are misguided parasites killing the very relationships that could have ... Views: 1525
Books Atkinson, 1894-1984, American journalist, said, “This nation was built by people who took risks - - pioneers who were not afraid of the wilderness, business men who were not afraid of failure, scientists who were not afraid of the truth, thinkers who were not afraid of progress, and ... Views: 1670
Mary Kay Ash, 1918-2001, American businesswoman, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, said, “Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try.”
Trying demands a decision and it is human nature to stand in the middle, waiting for a sign. No decision is still a ... Views: 1523
Fear of failure is the single most powerful reason so many people fail to find happiness. They try something once, maybe twice, and then give up. For them, it’s a two times and you are out approached to life. Yet, failure is a natural aspect of life. Failures are something everyone has to deal ... Views: 3907
Most of us enter adulthood with dreams of achieving financial freedom, a house in the country, a career we love, yearly vacations in Hawaii, a cabin on the beach, owning our own firm and perfect health. People achieving these things (high achievers) are crystal clear dreamers, yet very few ... Views: 1469
Sir Lawrence Olivier, British actor and director, said, “I have to act to live.”
Sir Lawrence Olivier had gotten so good at professional acting that he loved what he did. That type of “love” occurs when someone becomes one with what they are doing. No one has the ability to become that good ... Views: 1412
Many people worry about living on the edge, yet they are already there. Every decision, every thought, and every action is taking them into the unknown. Who knows what will happen next?
We live in imperfect worlds populated with imperfect people working in dysfunctional organizations. One ... Views: 1680
What is Platform Presence? It can be felt but not seen. Some speakers have it, others don’t. How did they get it?
There are three major aspects involved with Platform Presence. The most important one is absence of fear.
From the instant someone with Platform Presence stands and begins ... Views: 3489
Bad things happen. The passing of a parent, the death of a pet, rejection from someone important, the loss of something you truly enjoy, and the list is endless. There is no “pain free” way to live. We build attachments. Attachments come to an end. Yet, as Buddha said, “Pain is inevitable. ... Views: 2193
A splash is something that rocks our thinking. It can be the death of a friend, the loss of a pet, or an accident on the highway. It is a wake-up call, hopefully causing us to reconsider what we are doing and where we’re going.
Far more subtle and far more dangerous are the little ripples of ... Views: 1183
One difficult aspect of life is mastering our emotions. The concept of remaining calm in spite of what happens is easy … to agree with. Doing it is a much different thing.
What happens when we allow ourselves to panic? We instantly lose sight of the obvious, forget everything we have learned, ... Views: 1400