This is the situation that is usually not talked about openly and publicly. And yet, this is the very situation most Psychotherapists, Counsellors and Coaches are quite familiar with and must be able to recognize on the spot whenever it presents itself. This way they don’t waste their quality ... Views: 612
The purpose of this article is to dismantle persistent and popular misconceptions and purposely engineered myths about psychology, psychologists, counselors, and self-help industry current activities performed by its most loud and often well known institutions and representatives.
Since no ... Views: 999
You’ll probably need to read this a few times due to the past programming that very few escaped and even fewer figured out how to erase. The goal of this programming is to block your awareness of what will be presented below (there is a chance though, that you will get it right away). So, let us ... Views: 1205
Easy, by just doing the following:
1. Expecting anything outside of you to make a choice for you.
PROS: None
CONS: Anything outside of you will not make the best choice for you.
2. Getting forever stuck in and never addressing your own previously acquired “United States of ... Views: 2408
Self-improvement by far is the most exploited lie that the seekers of expanded awareness or enlightenment can encounter. This lie has also been used as a marketing tool by a great majority of self-help specialists all over the globe and for quite some time now.
So, let us explore this for ... Views: 1551
I’ll jump right to the point from the very start. That’s a new rule for article writing, which differs from the set standard, but as long as it serves the main goal of the article, I’ll just do it.
Let us start with this question. When do the chosen things happen in the easiest, most ... Views: 1338
Over the last decade of working in the field of Psychotherapy and Coaching, I've met many clients who had a rather negative experience or no results at all as they worked with some of my colleagues from various locations and branches of Psychology.
As a solution to this popular problem, I ... Views: 1594
Those who choose ignorance, in actuality, willingly choose unawareness. What you are unaware of is outside of your power of influence. Ignorance, therefore is bliss, BUT only for those who keep you ignorant (=unaware), not for you.
Below is a widely accepted and applied across the entire ... Views: 1230
The happiest people I have seen on this planet so far are the newly arrived children. The saddest and most unhappy ones I have seen so far are the departing adults. The difference between the two is that the first ones have not yet accepted everything they are not, and are in tune with ... Views: 1377
This article is about a powerful reality-making tool, that most of us have been trained to undervalue and dismiss.
To initiate manifestation of an internal image, i.e. to make that image a reality, you must either, get inspired or get fearful by that image. In both cases you'll initiate ... Views: 1899
A quick answer- because they are one of the creative tools we have at our disposal. And this is something that is usually ignored and neglected by the majority. Yet, the questions we consciously or unconsciously ask (often on a complete autopilot) determine our next and nearest destination point ... Views: 1733