The life force body is fed by the universal energy called chi, ki, and prana. We receive chi in several ways. There is pre-natal chi which we receive from our mother and father before birth. There is post-natal chi that we receive mainly through our food, water, and breath after we are born. ... Views: 3475
"The greatest power on Heaven and Earth is thought."
from "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi
I get spiritual messages riding down the street. Words on cars, trucks and signs bring me important lessons to be remembered.
I was riding on a busy street the other day. My head was ... Views: 857
"My dwelling place is love. It's home is the heart. It reaches to all corners of the Universe and comes right back to live in you. It deems the impossible. It sanctifies the improbable. It performs the miraculous. It feeds all souls. My love encompasses every atom of space - it soars in between ... Views: 1068
I was in such a dilemma. My only daughter is grown and a mother with two small children. She had decided to do something that I would never do. It felt as if she was a stranger. Where had she been all those years when I was preaching about natural health and healing?
I was devastated. Why would ... Views: 881
Abundance comes in trust. It is the way we look at the world. Do we see plenty or lack?
It is the way we treat life...with joy or sorrow. Each has its special place. Abundance is of the mind. Do we expect the gifts of the Magi?
Do we expect the joys of life and all its richness? Do we see love ... Views: 944
"What you are no longer dancing for we stop using for light from above." I woke up with these words in my mind from a dream.
Light comes from our higher self, the God part of us. It is transported from our desires and passions and used to light the world. As we dream our dreams and hope to ... Views: 769
The seat of love is the heart. How did man figure out that love is centered there? How do we know that love is generated from there and created from the strongest muscle in the body?
We are told that the size of our fist is the size of our heart. Does size matter? Our hands are extensions of ... Views: 1205
It's hard to see people you love get old. It could be a stranger on the street. I have been fortunate to see people of ALL ages be young. They defy the odds. They break the mold of what they see happening to those around them. They remain youthful and "young" way into their years on Earth.
I ... Views: 880
I always love when the New Year comes, it means changes. New numbers, new life. We can begin again and look forward to a new energy.
2007 added up to a 9. Number 9 is the "End of a cycle, the beginning of a new cycle." According to Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ), (an ancient form of Japanese ... Views: 942
You might ask, "What happens to all those eggs in a woman's ovaries when she goes through menopause?" Those creative eggs are transformed into creative ideas.
This time of life is like going on the Triple EEE ride of a lifetime, 24 hours a day. Ok, I felt like I was gripping the steering wheel ... Views: 805
The Christ child is born in Bethlehem, in a sparse stable in the straw. The three wise men come to honor Him – following a star prophesizing the coming of a great teacher. As one bows down to enter the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the invisible choir still sings the praises of that ... Views: 917
Who kidnapped Christmas last year? I say pay the ransom and bring Christmas back and extend the holiday! Participating in the 12 holy days does just that.
“The story of the Sun God and the story of the son of God are one and the same.”
Lyman E. Stowe
According to the book "Mystery of the ... Views: 929
Our foundations are shaking up, are moving to upheaval, as old patterns must die. Emotions buried in our body temples are being brought to the surface for cleansing. As we observe our thoughts and feelings, clarity will be sharpened as everyone must face the divine Spirit within.
Some ... Views: 1273
Every day we have a choice, to be loving to all, and especially ourselves. It takes great fortitude to stay on the up and up – to stay on the Spiritual Path without faltering.
It’s not actually that we fall off of the Path. It is going into the valleys of the road, instead of climbing to the ... Views: 1796
What do we have inside of us that becomes the greatest gift? It is the love of our Creator, the Divine Presence that lives within our heart.
This World offers many temptations that others judge us for. These inner feelings, these moments of love and compassion can change our planet.
What ... Views: 1044
In the light means living with love. Light is defined as that which makes things visible, that which affords illumination. All colors depend on light. Without light we would not have the sublime variations of color on our beautiful mother earth.
In our world of duality, we are given both the ... Views: 1025
Could heaven and hell be right here where we are? As the old axiom says, "As above so below."
On earth it as been contrived that man must suffer. It was right for its time and now the time is over. We as humanity are stepping up in evolution. We are becoming closer to the angels, closer to the ... Views: 857