Once there was a little tree. It had a special place all to itself in a beautiful forest, and with the warm winds and gentle rains, the seedling began to grow. Soon, a few small leaves appeared, and the little tree spent the long summer days opening itself to the sun.
For some reason, however, ... Views: 9403
Politics, defined as "social relations involving authority or power," dominate a religious organization when the religion is no longer relevant; the operational words being "social," and power." When a religion becomes more of a social event instead of living up to the original tenets of ... Views: 614
Suddenly, I found myself in a mist, and through the mist I dimly made out what appeared to be a cave. As I moved closer, my perfected insight revealed exactly what it was – the den of the Great Dragon of Self.
Three of the dragon’s guards lie dead and decomposing at the entrance, obviously ... Views: 1132
I am Buddhist, and while practicing meditation, I detected thoughts blossoming, one after the other, in a corner of my mind. Each one initially appeared as a single frame but quickly developed into a storyline, a dramatic movie. It might begin with a picture of myself sitting cross-legged and ... Views: 859
First of all, the stock market would drop like a rock. Lots of money is being made off the military industrial complex. Also, where would our soldiers work? Walmart? This peace thing would not be good for our country. Our country is built on money, thrives on money, and if you don't have any, ... Views: 560
How many times have you lied in order to ward off loneliness? We can lie by pretending to really care for someone when all we want is a little company, i.e.; "I love you." And when we find someone more interesting, we lie again to end the old relationship, i.e.; "I just want to be friends now, ... Views: 739
No, this is not an article about dissolving a third marriage! This is about untying the knots that we make in our minds. Whenever we tie ourselves to someone or something, we make a knot. Over time, these knots accumulate, and our minds become nothing but large balls of tangled twine.
A mind ... Views: 1351
If you had a computer, but no internet connection, you would be limited to only what is stored on your hard drive. You could access your documents and compose some stuff, but if you wanted to reach out and touch the world, that couldn’t happen.
In the same way, we can describe the part of our ... Views: 1565
We have all foolhardily said, at one time or another, that if we only had so and so, we would be happy forever. I remember saying it when I was a little tyke and wanted a two-wheeler, and later when I was a young man and wanted a house, three kids, and two cars!
I think we set ourselves up when ... Views: 634
This is the indication I got while watching one of the financial cable channels recently. “Do you have enough money for retirement?” “Are you using your money to its best advantage?” “Don’t be left behind while others are becoming wealthy!”
I am certainly not ready for retirement, and what ... Views: 782