When the hunter spit in my face, I felt the familiar rush that always preceded my deadly encounters. But this time, for Maradin's sake, I maintained my composure.
"Wait a minute my friend," I said, as I put my hand up in a gesture of amity, "you have it all wrong. I only stopped by to help her ... Views: 752
The next morning I discovered a dull ax behind the cottage that I sharpened to a razor's edge. I thought that cutting a few days' supply of firewood and stacking it neatly along the fence to repay the maiden for her thoughtfulness would be a good idea. I must admit; I was quite taken with the ... Views: 866
Several weeks after the meeting with Ariya, we were making our way across a meadow when we unexpectedly ran across the most charming yellow cottage one could imagine. Nestled in the wood line behind a gorgeous flower garden with carefully tended vegetable patches on both sides, the cottage ... Views: 793
Weeks drifted by with no sign of Ariya, or anybody else for that matter, but the silence was eerie, compelling me to look over my shoulder more often now. I was back where my enemies might find me, and my life was definitely in grave danger. They knew that I was still alive.
One morning just ... Views: 811
For seven years, congress has done relatively little regarding the very serious problems we face, such as a failing economy for the middle class, a war that we are bogged down in and where we are at the mercy of powerless Iraqi government that sides with Iran, a looming social security crisis, ... Views: 696
A few weeks passed by with no further sign of Ariya, as I continued this strange quest for a mystical key. I didn't know where I was going, or perhaps I did.
At any rate, one morning while I was wading through a flooded area after a heavy thunderstorm, I found myself sinking. The more I ... Views: 831
My admiration for Ariya was growing; this diminutive being that took me under her wing. And as I listened to her strange voice that appeared in my mind, her words became even stranger. She said that some believe that when life ends, there is nothing, just an unconscious, eternal sleep. Others ... Views: 1117
Lying is a kind of "get out of jail free" card. We can do bad things, lie about them, and we're off the hook. Or it seems that we are. But really, we're just setting the hook deeper as we begin to believe that we can get away with almost anything, and our conduct becomes increasingly unwholesome ... Views: 2645
A tremendous exhilaration began rising inside of me, as I watched Ariya disappear into the treetops. All of my unanswered questions now faded into the background. The appearance of this mystical being, whatever she was, liberated me to the point that I was ready to forge ahead with reckless ... Views: 1078
No friendly moon was there to light this unfamiliar path; only a pitch-black night, so dark and foreboding that I could not see my hand in front of my face. Even Conqueror's sharp eyes soon lost the trail, forcing me to dismount and wrestle through heavy, wet vines, and walk on tangled roots and ... Views: 1183
Of all the things in the world that we can think of, kindness is the one that cuts through all barriers. Since Barack Obama has been running for office, people of color have begun feeling good about themselves, and white people have begun feeling good about people of color. Maybe soon, people of ... Views: 927
He guided me down the narrow, winding stairs into the bowels of the abysmal caverns where rats ran freely and the stone floors were awash with slime. Coughing and moaning oozed from hidden chambers as we made our way through this hell that could only be described as the most horrendous nightmare ... Views: 759
Ask anyone about the soul and more often than not, you will get a blank stare, or the soul might be explained as a spirit, a part of God, our basic being, or our true essence. But there has never been a good, logical explanation. So here goes!
Although according to Buddhism the soul does not ... Views: 1032
My campaign rained death and destruction upon the realm for fourteen long years. I was a young man when I first led my troops into battle, but now I was a seasoned warrior, feared throughout the land, and although the war had cost me an eye, and countless friends including my general, victory ... Views: 709
My first stop was the coliseum where the king's army was training. These were hardened, career soldiers, all experienced in killing and tough as nails. I dismounted and walked deliberately up to the commander of all the forces. He was the strongest and most feared, and he was sharp as well, and ... Views: 718
Walking meditation can be done in many ways and for many purposes, but I have found this technique to be outstanding in relieving stress. It's easy to do, and you should feel a distinct benefit from the first fifteen minutes of trying it.
This technique is particularly effective for those who ... Views: 816
My father timidly put his hand on my shoulder. "I am sorry that I have not been able to make you happy, Son. I have tried. Lord I have tried." He looked into my eyes searching for some kind of recognition, but I gave him none.
"It's just that since your mother died," he continued, "I have been ... Views: 835
The sound of pacing reverberated throughout the high spire, echoing along the halls of the upper chambers. I stopped pacing long enough to gaze longingly at the valley below, slowly, from one end to the other, this precious kingdom that would be mine someday. Everyone looked small and ... Views: 676
It was 1981 and my wife and I were living at a monastery in the remote jungles of Northeast Thailand practicing as a Buddhist monk and nun . . . and Janet was having problems stomaching the coarse food.
With only one meal in the morning and no further food permitted the rest of the day, she ... Views: 647
If we are accustomed to eating out three times a week, and for financial reasons can only eat out twice, we feel deprived. Additionally, if we only eat at exclusive restaurants (wouldn’t be caught dead in a chain!), then we will feel disadvantaged if we have to eat at an Olive Garden, or, dare I ... Views: 612
Our personalities, it could be said, fall into six categories: Faithful, greedy, hateful, deluded, speculative and intelligent, and if we tend toward the speculative and intelligent, it’s a good bet that our spiritual life will progress in fits and starts because we outsmart ourselves.
The ... Views: 1542
There are good people everywhere, but how do we define good? Pope Sixtus IV loved Tomas de Torquemada (arguably the most evil man that has ever lived)! Good and evil seem entwined with society’s expectations. Behavior can be considered good by some, bad by others, and volumes are written on this ... Views: 1032
Dear God,
Can you hear me?
If you’re busy, I understand,
But I just have a little time now.
So I was hopin’ you could maybe hear me today.
Just a couple loose ends to tidy up,
If you can help.
I done a few bad things,
Won’t have time to make them right now,
So I thought maybe you could ... Views: 818
What exactly are we supposed to do? We hear about change all the time, but instead of motivating us to do something, our politicians only know how to complain - with few real solutions. I'm afraid that it is up to us to make the moves, not our politicians. But make what moves? This is where we ... Views: 881
When we fall in love, we are blinded from these three signs. This is Mother Nature's way of making sure that babies happen! After about two years, however, we regain our perspective, and these three signs begin to show up.
If you are very aware, you can notice them almost immediately even ... Views: 795
I have a strange feeling that many times our religions produce the opposite effects than what we assume they should. For example, Buddhism stresses three things; discipline, compassion, and wisdom; and Christian communities stress renunciation of violence, forgiveness, and unconditional love. ... Views: 733
How can anyone guarantee happiness? Well, they can't. But we can. We can guarantee our own happiness. In order to do that, however, we must first eliminate those things that make us unhappy.
So let's get started. First, think about what makes you unhappy. Take a few moments to think about that. ... Views: 2649
One of the first things a new Buddhist monk is told by older, more experienced monks is to stop "measuring." No matter how much the new monk thinks that he knows, it will not help him now. It will only prove a hindrance to his meditation and spiritual development. The new monk can either accept ... Views: 714
When I was just a little tyke, way before spin-cast type fishing reels, we had to put up with basket type reels. Instead of the line freely flowing from the end of the spining reel as it does now, it would unwind mechanically, a very inefficient method for bait casting though still used for ... Views: 3508
We meet someone, we like them, want to see them again, and soon we are forming a deep relationship. This seems like a very natural, innocuous, and innocent thing to do, and we do it every day. What we seldom realize, however, is that we are also forming a psychological attachment.
After we meet ... Views: 539
It was 1980. Janet and I were hiding out (from my creditors) at Shasta Abbey, a monastery in northern California, where we had ordained as Zen postulants. Suddenly, out of the blue, I became very ill, and when the illness worsened, I handled it as I had handled everything in the past — I ... Views: 1804
It can really get heavy at times. I was recently corresponding with a good friend of mine who mentioned that he didn’t think that he was capable of developing a calm mind in such a chaotic world, which might be a common problem for a lot of us. With stress levels at an all time high, a ... Views: 769
This old Zen saying describes the way in which a trainee practices Zen; no striving, no ambition (to become enlightened), no goals . . . only sitting quietly. As a matter of fact, Zen considers goal making a disease of the mind! Quite a contrast from modern life where without goals we would be ... Views: 1160
We have all foolhardily said, at one time or another, that if we only had so and so, we would be happy forever. I remember saying it when I was a little tyke and wanted a two-wheeler, and later when I was a young man and wanted a house, three kids, and two cars!
I think we set ourselves up when ... Views: 3552
If a star is originally only gasses that are compressed into a burning sun, then someday that star will become only gas again. If the universe was at one time pure energy, then all the stars and planets will become pure energy again; dust to dust so to speak. And this constant change, I believe, ... Views: 639
Christ and the Buddha were wise men; they never talked about politics. They didn't talk about politics because political opinions and campaigns are but afterthoughts in humankind's evolutionary process. Politics, war, power, and ambition have never moved humankind to a fundamentally better ... Views: 1039
When we talk, or when we write articles, the number of times that we use the word "I" can indicate the level of confusion we might have in our minds about ourselves. This wouldn't ordinarily be a problem if we are not attached to ourselves emotionally, and only use the term conventionally; ... Views: 1051
Global swarming is a phenomenon far more impending than greenhouse gasses; global swarming involves the very fabric of our lives. Therefore, how we handle global swarming will determine the quality of our future here on earth.
In the past, we have ignored global swarming as if it doesn't exist, ... Views: 935
Understanding oneself, one's drives, one's emotions, the way in which one's mind works, is the minimum requirement for successful relationships. Without this understanding of oneself, without taking the time to learn about oneself, relationships can be merely a tug of war between two independent ... Views: 688
Thomas Merton, famous Catholic monk belonging to the cloistered Trappist tradition (Order of Cistercians of the strict observance), once said that he wanted, "to become as good a Buddhist as I can."
Before he converted to Catholicism at age twenty-three, he read about Christian mysticism. He ... Views: 792
What is truth? We are told what we should believe by advertisers depicting beautiful bodies, and we are told to believe it is truth. We are told what truth is by our modern Gods, and we believe it, and repeat it like parrots. But is this truth? Are our bodies beautiful? Or should we look more ... Views: 522
If you have ever tried to walk with only one leg, you have discovered, for yourself, the importance of two legs. Likewise, when we meditate, two aspects of meditation are necessary if our practice is to be balanced.
Samadhi (concentration) and Vipassana (mindfulness) are the two aspects that ... Views: 1328
Working at a third world job and trying to survive in the wealthiest economy in the world just isn't working out. A friend of mine works part-time in a book store, spending the rest of her time living with and helping ill parents who are barely making ends meet because of all the confusion and ... Views: 900
Meetings of yesterday - seeds of tomorrow’s partings
Planted as hope - the sadness I know,
Growing straight and strong for so long,
And now fallen down in an ocean of tears.
Had I but known of the heartaches ahead,
And if I did, what matter?
What escape from this velvet noose,
This ... Views: 688
CAUTION: This article and the information it contains is not for Christians who simply believe and look forward to enjoying a peaceful Easter, which is such a beautiful, spiritual holiday. If this is you, please stop reading now.
If you are still here, this article is for Christians and ... Views: 1676
They knew how to chord a guitar, how to live together, how to relax, and how to live on a shoestring (and off Mom and Dad mostly!) And they didn't know about money or power – that would have been way too square! Hippies were a brief respite on this road of life, one of those strange eras that ... Views: 773
An old man with shaking hands counts out some crumpled bills to a receptionist in a doctor's office. The sign above the cashier's window says:
"If you are a Medicare customer you will be required to pay your $135 deductable before service is rendered."
But the old man only comes up with ... Views: 959
3. Dying peacefully
(From a talk by Ajahn Jagaro, the abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat when Janet and I trained in Thailand as a Buddhist monk and nun in 1981)
"Having considered all of this, if dying becomes no longer a contemplation but an actual experience, we can face it without fear. Not only ... Views: 1002
"I need you," is not something we hear too often these days. When we do hear it, however, it touches a very deep chord in the depths of our being. To be needed, to be necessary and important means so much, because as human beings, we will always need each other.
When we are not needed, when ... Views: 591
2. Living consciously. (From a talk by Ajahn Jagaro, the abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat when Janet and I trained in Thailand as a Buddhist monk and nun in 1981)
"Now this (contemplating death) really does free us up, enabling us to live our lives more fully. The contemplation of death, rather than ... Views: 887