The way people measure wealth can be different for everyone. There are different ways that make people feel wealthy in life. Having wealth is something that should be thought about and used in a good way so that you have a happier and healthier life as well. It is all about the way that you ... Views: 1863
Do you ever wander what your true meaning in life is? What are you meant to do and where are you taking your life? When you think about these things and do your best to work through and slice your way through issues of life and become more successful no matter what, you are going to feel ... Views: 4046
Mankind is the crown of God’s own creation, infinitely valuable. You are made in the image of God and after his own likeness, you are a freewill agent. You have God-like potential in you that become evident as you grow in his likeness through study and right thinking.
Now, you are more than ... Views: 1514
Creating order out of chaos requires power and he who wields such power is a genius he will conquer obstacles and obtain anything he wants in this life without violating the rights of others.This power and authority has been discovered by men and women of destiny, who refuse to just make a ... Views: 2882
Living abundantly is a manifestation of an ever expanding wealth consciousness sustained by the power of positive thought. Man is destined to be a deliberate creator of his own life through highly organized thought and intelligently directed massive action.
Thought alone will not bring about ... Views: 1726
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Circumstances that we go through in life are but a reflection of our own selves. We think in secret but all we think and secretly cherish or fear in our hearts comes to pass and the whole world is made aware as circumstance upon circumstance unfolds. Our ... Views: 2135