The TLC Diet for the Swamped Working Woman
As an executive coach for women I am seeing a trend of working women putting their health at the bottom of their “To Do List”. I watch more and more executive women grumbling at prying themselves away from the office and toward greater ... Views: 886
Let’s see if you can walk across 6th Avenue without criticizing yourself.” I have no clue why that thought jumped into my mind one muggy July-in-New-York-City afternoon. Maybe it’s because I was so sick of the Criticism Committee playing its soundtrack during my every waking ... Views: 922
A woman in her twenties pulled me aside after I finished a speech for a corporate client. Lizelle was newly married and was nervous that with her demanding job she wouldn’t have the energy to have a child. Wait a minute here. She’s 26 years old and she is so tired she doesn’t ... Views: 1061
It had been a bad hair month, “said Beth Grading. “I had been passed over for a promotion, my best friend got a great job in San Francisco and I had a string of ‘no where dates’. “I felt so goofy that my bad mood lifted. I loved pacing up and down the stairs. ... Views: 959
"God's the kind of guy you can trust," was my friend John's advice on a particularly bleak autumn morning. At the time, I probably gave him one of those oh-please-do-you-think-this-is-going-to-help-me-pay-my-bills looks. Sure, he could trust the Universe. He had a beautiful wife and a great ... Views: 827
“You have got to be out of your mind” was a sentence Isabella was getting used to hearing. Friend after friend rolled her eyes as she told them of her plans. Isabella was 80 years old, for God’s sake, and no amount of eye rolling was going to dissuade her. Even if her friends ... Views: 721
A shocking report in the Los Angeles Times showed that single Baby Boomer women are at the greatest risk of living in poverty. Why? This is due because of lower wages, more spending and only bringing in a single paycheck. Many of us Baby Boomer women have to dramatically downsize our lives as we ... Views: 1320
As a motivational speaker I was always dieting, I never believed I was eating lean enough. Lettuce, celery, and apples were the only foods I ate without a pang of guilt. Since I could never stay on that diet very long, custom-designed for a gerbil, I binged in frustration. In college, my car was ... Views: 898
1. Center Yourself.
Take in a deep breath. Let it out. Now, breathe in brilliance. Exhale out the burden. Do this three times so you feel more centered.
2. Ask for the Greatest Good.
As Mayor, take a moment and claim your office, and ask that your solutions be for the highest good for ... Views: 910
Lessons from the Drive Thru Window. The Power of Asking
Eli Davidson, M.A.
I have an admission to make. I just polished off every molecule of a McDonalds Big N Tasty Meal. (That’s a #6 for you Mickey D’s wanna be’s.) Ahh, I loved each bite of burger and salty, soggy fry. Every mouthful ... Views: 1474