Being a good listener starts with paying attention to yourself—your own inner dialogue. We all talk to ourselves, but how many of us really listen? Sometimes the inner dialogue doesn’t even shape itself into words. It’s a song that’s been running through your head for a couple of days, or that ... Views: 1480
Fear can be broken down into three categories: real (healthy), imagined (thought-based) and worry. Although fear can get in your way by interfering with your hopes, dreams and desires; fear is not always a bad thing. Admitting you’re afraid of something can be quite enlightening. It gives you a ... Views: 1302
Fear can be broken down into three categories: real (healthy), imagined (thought-based) and worry. Although fear can get in your way by interfering with your hopes, dreams and desires; fear is not always a bad thing. Admitting you’re afraid of something can be quite enlightening. It gives you a ... Views: 1799
Ahhh.... the ubiquitous New Year's resolution. How many times have you developed a list of New Year's resolutions, which at the time sounded great, only to find yourself feeling less than enthused about it six months later? Have you ever felt guilty or depressed because you didn't achieve a New ... Views: 1504