Whenever I mention the word network marketing or mlm while promoting my business I get 2 very extreme views. Most people don’t like it or either don’t understand it and even have hatred for it. The few people that I talk to that actually have entrepreneurial minds love the concept and will ... Views: 3867
Some blogs are here today and gone tomorrow. This is because the owners made some very critical mistakes. Below are some mistakes and solutions that you should take notice of in order to avoid failure.
Give Up Too Quickly On Your Blog
Blogs are not an overnight money maker. You can't just ... Views: 912
In the past few months we have seen three major companies close their MLM side and as a result displace their distributors: XELR8, Arbonne, and most recently ILearning Global. XELR8 and ILearning Global simply wanted to change they way they market and Arbonne is going through a bankruptcy. ... Views: 802
I recently attended the Get Motivated seminar in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and I have to say that it was an awesome experience. The day is filled with speakers from Fortune 500 companies, educators, business owners, salespeople, professional athletes and more. The speakers that stuck out in the mind ... Views: 807
When calling back your prospects it is important to know what there personality color type is. You need to know the difference between a Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green personality types. Knowing this difference could make a real impact on how effectively that you can build your business. In this ... Views: 5511
Just because you build a website or blog does not mean that you will get visitors. You have to get the word out about your site. Well, you may be saying "What if I can't afford to pay for advertising?" "I am on a limited budget as it is." Never fear, there are plenty of ways to drive free ... Views: 775
Article Marketing is one of the best ways to promote yourself and your online business. Wondering what you should write about? Hot topics are a good place to start. You can find out what is hot at the moment by looking into which keywords and phrases people are entering into search engines. ... Views: 994
Although Online Marketing is the wave of the future, there are ways that you can market your MLM and website offline that are not stuck in the past. As a matter of fact, your offline and online strategies can work hand in hand. For this reason Offline Marketing should be a part of every ... Views: 924
The life blood of any internet or network marketer is lead generation. How many times have we heard before that "The Money Is In the List?" As a new internet marketer generating leads can seem to be a daunting task. Most of us don't know where to begin. Here is a list of the top 10 ways to ... Views: 904