"The anti-cancer diet is the exact opposite of the typical American Diet. (Instead of meat, this diet consists of) mostly vegetables and legumes, plus unsaturated fats. Green tea is a great detoxifier (activating enzymes in the liver to eliminate toxins from the body). Ginger root is a powerful ... Views: 1538
Source: SlowFoodNation.org
70% of Slow Food Nation’s tickets have been sold to date, and the enthusiasm here in San Francisco is mounting!
Not sure about what’s happening when? A comprehensive event schedule is now available at http://slowfoodnation.org/events.
Keep an eye out ... Views: 1237
I just attended a Free Green Workshop at the Mar Vista Farmers Market. There are many free workshops available and this one proves to be worth my time. I picked up some good tips for the home and garden thanks to TeachingGreen. TeachingGreen's mission is to enable a sustainable future for life ... Views: 2068
This is the time of year when everywhere you look you see images of sleek, toned bodies. It’s also a time when many feel the pressure to resort to crash diets, hoping to look good in a swimsuit.
It’s no surprise that weight-loss centers offer specials during the summer months that promise ... Views: 1253