When I started my first business, I didn’t realize it at the time but I had a coach and mentor that worked with me to create what I wanted – in my business and personal life. He asked me all sorts of questions that opened different avenues of thought for me.
Recently I have been reintroduced ... Views: 797
Every morning I give myself a gift. That gift is a half an hour of writing time. This time is mine. My kids and husband have learned that when mom is writing before 7am in her favorite chair, with the candles going - you give her: her space!
This is the time in my day that I treat as an ... Views: 827
Do you ever look at someone and wonder how in the heck they got the bank to say yes to their latest purchase? I know I used to. Now I know it’s all in the preparation for financing! It’s amazing what banks will do for you when you present your request to ... Views: 1533
The Handshake!
The Wikipedia encyclopedia defines a handshake as a short ritual in which two people grasp their right or left hands, often accompanied by a brief shake of the grasped hands. The handsake is commonly done upon meeting, greeting, parting, offering congratulations or completing an ... Views: 1013
Some reasons to provide awesome customer service to your customers are:
It doesn't cost you anything, so it's a great way to grow your business for free!
Increase customer and employee satisfaction. If you treat people well they will treat you well in return.
Increase customer loyalty, and ... Views: 894