In March, the federal district court in Statesboro, Georgia handed down a ruling that sent ripples through the forestry community. The court found that a timber company had built a road through a wetland in violation of federal clean water laws. The consequences for the company were severe, the ... Views: 1347
Hey Mom! Have you ever looked at all those bottles of water at the supermarket that are competing for your hard earned dollar and wondered how they got there? It wasn't that long ago that we all drank tapwater without a second thought. What's changed?
Well, when it comes to the safety of ... Views: 1997
Nothing makes a hard core green thumb madder than weeds in the lawn or garden. They're ugly. They compete for light, water, and nutrients. Sometimes they make you itch or sneeze! It's no wonder that Home Expo Mart has aisles and aisles of chemicals that you can use to kill those weeds before ... Views: 1637
Sure, we've all felt the temptation. Maybe you're tired. Maybe you're just not feeling great that day. Maybe the weather is bad and you just want to go home. Maybe you just don't think anyone is looking. But whatever the reason, you're out walking the dog -- and suddenly, you lose your resolve ... Views: 2651
There's a small handful of things you absolutely don't want to flush down the drain, such as money or time – and also old cooking grease, unused medicines, and household chemicals.
That's right. Modern American homes are full of things that CAN go down the drain but SHOULDN'T. This article ... Views: 1262
If you are a die hard green thumb, then the first sing of spring is when you find yourself gazing out the window at yard and thinking "that looks awful." You find yourself rummaging around the shed, inspecting your garden tools, and making excuses about why you need to get out to the Home Expo ... Views: 1192
A fresh environmental issue survey from CNN/Opinion Research finds that a majority of Americans believe that the economy should take precedence over the environment. It wasn’t by a huge number – a little more than half (51%) picked “economy: and slightly less than half (45%) picked ... Views: 1052
Remember Charlie the Tuna? If you haven't seen him on the air in while, it's probably because he was caught and eaten long ago. Overfishing has decimated the Atlantic bluefin tuna. Populations are shrinking fast. Stricter international regulations to prevent overfishing are long overdue.
At ... Views: 1119
Environmental experts often fall into the "if only they knew" trap -- "If only they knew they lived in a watershed," "if only they knew the stormdrain went to the creek." But TV commercials, brochures, and other materials that are educational produce disappointing results compared to those that ... Views: 1478
When we are trying to make something happen, conservationists sometimes think like cowboys. We break out the rhetorical cattle prod and try to shock the public out of complacency and into action with a stiff jolt of bad news. There's a time and place for that -- but to motivate people to ... Views: 1200
You probably don't know that February 3 is World Wetlands Day -- a day of proclamations, press releases, ceremonies, festivals, newsletter articles, and t-shirts all clamoring to raise awareness about the vital role of these vital habitats.
World Wetlands Day is just one of many well-meaning ... Views: 925
You've heard the phrase "look before you leap." But what does that mean when it comes to environmental writing and communications?
First, an urban legend about what can happen if you don't look before you leap. Enjoying healthy sales of its Nova automobile in the U.S., Chevrolet introduced it ... Views: 1068
If you help run a nature center, land trust, hunting club, or local river protection group, you've probably wondered how to best keep in touch with your members. After all, they won't come to an event, donate to support your work, or write that elected official unless they hear about it from you ... Views: 764
Pop quiz: What are the top two news outlets on the Internet today? Well, according to the web traffic monitoring service Comscore, they are Yahoo! News and Google News. Traditional news sites like and various New York Times properties come in a distant third -- and lower.
That's right ... Views: 919