It’s a common misconception that only people struggling to overcome illness get a medical intuitive reading. Of course, many of my clients do have some physical ailment that they seek to understand better. Some of them even already have an inkling there’s more to it – an emotional or spiritual ... Views: 1787
The underlying principle of the holistic health movement is that we are more than our physical bodies. At one time this was a pretty out there sort of concept – one that the average person on the street wouldn’t understand and one that would cause medical doctors to roll their eyes. Thank ... Views: 1353
As I write this, I have just completed what has been nothing short of a marathon session of relationship readings, counselling and agony aunt advice. You would think that it was the fourteenth of February and not the end of April based on how many people want to know whether they should stay, go ... Views: 1550
Let’s face it — the world is going from bad to worse. The world’s economies are shrinking. Banks are being nationalised left, right and centre. Governments aren’t just spending money that they don’t have; they are actually printing more – a process that goes by the wonderfully ambiguous ... Views: 1394
As a medical intuitive, I work with people to understand the emotional and spiritual causes of their illnesses and life circumstances. There was a time when the notion that we create our own reality or that emotions could lead to stress was dismissed as something completely groundless. How ... Views: 1452