The concept of food as an addiction is, finally, gaining more recognition in the mainstream media! Earlier this month, 60 Minutes featured a long segment on sugar toxicity. Prominent doctors and scientists explained how the human body reacts to sugar intake. Insulin spikes, the liver works ... Views: 1485
Building the "Core" is all the rage these days. Programs that target the Core have sprung up all over.
When I am asked what to do for the Core, my first response is to stand up straight! We are a nation of slouchers, hunched over computers and eating junk food most of our waking hours. This ... Views: 1120
There are many mixed opinions regarding organic versus conventional foods. However, it is
evident that more and more consumers are choosing to purchase organic food items these
days. With the growth of Whole Foods and various health food stores, organic meats and
produce have become more ... Views: 1256