In order to hydrate the body optimally, and therefore nourish it from the inside, one need to drink water that is alkaline. Alkaline water acts as a conductor of electrochemical activity from cell to cell, and its pH assists in preventing fermentation in the gut that leads to acidosis.
The ... Views: 1669
The pH level, the acid-alkaline measurement of the body, affects every single one of our cells. A constantly imbalanced pH level won’t be tolerated by the body system, which may result in obesity (the body creates fat cells to carry acids away from our vital organs), allergies (the ... Views: 5971
The following guidelines are a valuable source regarding your first steps to an alkaline nutrition. They will help you to understand the basic rules of an alkaline lifestyle and will tell you how to implement them into your daily life. Alkaline nutrition assures balanced body chemistry and a ... Views: 2857
Never get hold on certain myths!
For example, that for breakfast one should “give it all”. The first thing what many people do in the morning is to eat and drink orange juice, toast, honey, sweet rolls, muffins, waffles, pancakes etc.
In this way huge amounts of sugar and simple ... Views: 1164
The body's entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environment. When we ingest too many acidic or acid-producing foods, excess acid corrodes tissues and organs, which leads to illness, sickness and disease. In addition, acid also provides a favorable environment for harmful bacteria and ... Views: 3344
The key to restoring our body to its ideal pH is to create the proper balance of alkaline and acid forming foods. Since our body's pH level is slightly alkaline, our diet and nutrition should also reflect this. Eating as much as possible alkaline and alkalizing foods will help to balance the ... Views: 1433
The body’s entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environment. When people ingest too many acidic or acid-producing foods, excess acid corrodes tissues and organs, which leads to illness, and acidosis (over-acidification of the body cells) can occur, which will interrupt cellular ... Views: 1163
We don't have to look far to see why our body system is exposed to a constantly growing endangerment: the acidosis (over-acidification) of our cell system. We are leading fast lives, eating fast food, and expose ourselves to high stress levels on a daily basis, convenience and other artificial ... Views: 956