It's 11:47 p.m. Saturday night and I just hung up after 2 hours on the phone with a computer technician named Karthick.
This was on the heels of 2 weeks of technological and communications breakdowns that brought my business to a grinding halt.
If you've run your own practice for any ... Views: 962
I once dated a funny, charming man who scared the bejeezus out of me.
On our first date he gazed into my eyes and asked to know everything about me. Uncomfortable, I spent most of our lunch gazing at my salad.
Not one to give up too soon, I agreed to a second date. The day after that ... Views: 1056
I was 33 years old the first time I had my astrological natal chart done. It was a warm afternoon and I was sitting nervously on a plush couch in a stranger's home.
"This is crazy," I thought. I wasn't even sure there was anything to this astrology thing.
Then Kelly Lowe, the astrologer, ... Views: 1008
Do you ever feel a sense of fear, panic or disappointment in your life or practice? (Hmmm, that's a bit like asking you, "Is your heart beating? Are you breathing?")
That's the perfect opportunity to use one of my favorite transformational coaching tools: Radical Forgiveness, developed by ... Views: 1117
Even for hands-on therapists, effective online marketing is hands down one of the most effective ways to grow a practice. Yet having a beautiful website isn't enough to bring new clients to the table.
Here are 3 mistakes that are likely costing you clients right now. Fortunately once you ... Views: 942
Have you ever struggled with wanting to give your therapy away for free? You're not alone. Not long ago I was working with Margaret, a delightful client of mine. We were brainstorming ideas to help her jump-start her practice.
Margaret had already taken the time to measure her value based on ... Views: 707
As the curtain closes on 2009, it's the perfect time to ask yourself: Is your
CranioSacral Therapy practice everything you want it to be?
-- Is your appointment book filled with ideal clients who inspire you?
--Does your schedule support all your needs ~ physical, mental, emotional and ... Views: 801
This may surprise you. It may even feel backwards and completely wrong to you. But after 15 years of helping big-hearted, light-touch therapists fill their practices, I promise you it's true.
Filling your practice is far easier when you narrow your focus
to find only those people who ... Views: 899
Have you ever wrestled with telling your clients that you're raising your rates? Mindy, a big-hearted CranioSacral Therapist in North Carolina, struggled with this common condition.
It had been a couple years since she last raised her rates, and she knew her work was well worth it. But she ... Views: 1537
Do you ever feel stuck at the thought of marketing and filling your practice? Do you find yourself tied up in knots whenever you try to tell someone new what you do?
That's a symptom of TMI: sharing Too Much Information too early in the practitioner-prospect relationship.
Compared to ... Views: 828
Manifesting is all the rage these days. It seems you can't turn a corner without tripping over one more Law of Attraction expert advising you to imagine yourself there NOW, keep the vision planted in your mind and prepare for your success.
Don't get me wrong. There's a lot of truth to that. ... Views: 1155