Teenagers need help and guidance, but it can sometimes be difficult for parents to recognize when to intervene in their teen’s life. Today’s teenagers face different problems and challenges than those you experienced as a teen.
Emotional pain and distress can be expressed in many different ... Views: 2597
Your teenager faces several areas of peer pressure. What makes it even harder for your teenager is that most parents do not understand the depths to which these pressures go.
Cigarettes and Alcohol
Cigarettes and alcohol more than likely will be among the first areas where your teenager ... Views: 2373
The History of MySpace
The MySpace phenomenon began in 2003, when an Internet visionary and UCLA graduate named Tom Anderson reclaimed the moribund myspace.com domain. Prior to Anderson’s initiative, myspace.com was a file sharing forum. The original Web site had to be disbanded in 2001 due ... Views: 1937
Communication is the most important element in building a successful relationship with your teenager. The expression, “It is not what you say, but how you say it,” has never been more true or more applicable than here.
As we talk with our teens, we can either give them a sense of compassion, ... Views: 1815
The first year at college is an extremely stressful time for both the parent as well as your teenager.
Your teen is truly leaving home for the first time. He's also leaving his friends and a world that he's lived in and felt comfortable with for years.
For most teenagers their first year ... Views: 1860
Drug abuse among teens is a growing concern. In Troubled Teenagers – Identifying and Dealing with Tough Issues we discuss the signs as well as the reasons why teens abuse drugs and alcohol.
As with any disease, early detection increases the chance for a full recovery and a drug and alcohol free ... Views: 4652
You might be surprised to hear that very few teenagers actually like to argue with their parents. It makes your teen feel unimportant and misunderstood.
Some teens will walk away from an argument throwing "You just don't understand!" your way, while others stubbornly keep trying to get you to ... Views: 9540
Eating disorders have long been a serious problem among people of all ages. However, this disease usually begins somewhere in the pre-teen stages of life, and although many adolescent boys suffer with this disorder, it usually affects and is much more severe in young girls.
People who do ... Views: 1967
One minute your teenager will be laughing and joking along with you and the next he is in a fit of rage, yelling or crying with no warning or apparent cause. Mood swings are normal with all teenagers, but how do you know when mood swings turn into depression?
Teenagers have so much to deal with ... Views: 1788