The first and most provable difference between you and everyone else on the planet is that no one is constructed like you. Your body is different from anyone who has ever lived or will ever live – different on the inside and out.
No person on earth comprehends things like you do. No one ... Views: 2295
The first and most provable difference between you and everyone else on the planet is that no one is constructed like you. Your body is different from anyone who has ever lived or will ever live – different on the inside and out.
A whole new science called biometrics is dedicated to the ... Views: 1055
Who is that person wearing your skin? Where have you come from, where are you going, and what are you supposed to be doing in the meantime? In short, who are you?
Isn't it really rather simple? After all, biologists can define you genetically, psychologists can explain you behaviorally, ... Views: 811
Your life, like mine, is a series of interwoven relationships. Some are (were) wonderful, life-giving experiences and some are (were) absolutely horrible, but all worked together to make us who we are today.
If it wasn't for the relationship my mother had with my father (they were married ... Views: 648