Live With Purpose
By Dr. Ron Ross
Who am I and why am I here? Those are the two most important questions you can ask yourself.
Question 1: Who am I?
Some say you’re the product of a bit of slime that squirmed its way out of some prehistoric bog and evolved from this to that, then ... Views: 884
A New Series Begins!
By Dr. Ron Ross
My mother nearly killed me during the summer before I entered the first grade.
I really hadn’t done anything terribly wrong except to play in the back yard. Well maybe I did a little wrong – I played in the part of the back yard that Dad had just ... Views: 930
Manners of Personality
By Ron Ross
“An ugly personality destroys a pretty face.” Does that sound true to you? If so, allow me to introduce you to a few ugly personalities and make sure none describes you!
The arrogant. The arrogant have a need to diminish others in a pitiful attempt to ... Views: 835
Manners at the Airport and at 25,000 Feet
By Ron Ross
“Hi there!” a pretty lady said to me with a big smile, “I’m Julie and I am going to be your BFF for the next two hours!” We were flying from Denver to Chicago on a direct flight. I had the aisle seat and she was stuck in the center seat ... Views: 1146
Conversational Manners
By Ron Ross
Good conversations are fun to be a part of – unless someone is rude. Bad manners in conversation will stifle communication and short-circuit camaraderie. Here are a few simple guidelines for mutually satisfying conversations:
Share the floor. To talk ... Views: 886
Rude Pets and Rude Pet Owners
By Ron Ross
My wife used to share her ice cream cone with our dachshund. The neighbor girl wasn’t impressed, however, when he took a lick of her cone.
What is socially acceptable to a dog or to a dog owner is not necessarily acceptable to humans. Sniffing, ... Views: 735
By Ron Ross
“We will wait a few minutes before we begin our meeting as some folks are still arriving.” I hate it when the guy in charge of the meeting says that. Rude late arrivers should not be awarded for being tardy while those on time get punished for their ... Views: 932
Manners on the Road
By Ron Ross
Every road you drive on is filled with cheerful people who are courteous and careful on their commute, right? Wong. You and I, however, are always considerate and polite when we are behind the wheel, right? Wrong again. All drivers are guilty of angry ... Views: 834
Table Manners
By Ron Ross
When you eat by yourself you may gobble your food like a hungry pig if you want because no one cares. But when you eat with someone else, and especially when you eat in public, table manners matter.
In 1922 a writer named Emily Post wrote Etiquette in Society, ... Views: 746
Impolite Children
By Ron Ross
The child sitting down the row from me in a dark movie theater needed to go to the bathroom. As he passed me in the darkness he stepped on my toe. He did the same thing on his way back. He never said, “Excuse me” or “I’m sorry!” He acted as if I was the ... Views: 869
By Ron Ross
Kids are ungrateful because that is how they were raised. At birth, if they were hungry, all they had to do was scream until their mother fed them. The baby had no concept of what the mother just went through to bring the child to full term and give birth, then ... Views: 871
Respect the Elderly: Seven simple ways to be polite to your grandparents
By Ron Ross
Old people always think the children in their town are rude, smart-alecky and have no respect for their elders, and to some degree they are right. However, every generation makes the same claims so it is not a ... Views: 984
Foul Language
By Ron Ross
“Please leave your profanity outside!” was a sign I saw on the door of a local restaurant. Seems to me we shouldn’t need such a sign in a public place. However we do live in a society where course talk is commonplace. Television shows and movies are increasingly ... Views: 1001
Sagging Trousers and PJs in Public
By Ron Ross
Trousers worn with the waistbands around the hips so the whole world sees your underpants: bad manners. It is a style overwhelmingly favored by young males and causes them to walk with a bizarre gait and constantly “hitch up” their trousers so ... Views: 971
What to do about a cell phone addict
By Ron Ross
Rudeness happens when you are with someone who is obsessed with his/her high-tech device such as a cell phone or tablet. How loudly can I say this: CONSTANTLY CHECKING YOUR CELL PHONE FOR TEXT MESSAGES WHILE VISITING WITH SOMEONE IS ... Views: 736
Are Manners More Important than Laws?
By Ron Ross
I had a rude neighbor. He owned a motorcycle and loved to work on it in his garage. He would rev the engine as he tuned it then let it idle loudly for hours. Every time he came in or out of his driveway he would roar the noisy machine as ... Views: 763
The wise men were changed from wanderers to worshippers.
For the record, the wise men did not come to the manger, as is usually depicted in Christmas pageants, but the Bible does say that some time after the birth, they came to the home of Jesus. Their visit is a part of the birth of Jesus, ... Views: 856
The innkeeper was changed from apathy to sympathy
You probably know the story of the birth of Jesus, especially the part where “there was no place for them in the inn.” Though the Bible does not speak of an innkeeper, there must have been one. Someone had to tell Joseph the inn was full and ... Views: 884
The troubled marriage, parents who want their child to change, good people who want a good job, middle-class families who have too much month left at the end of their money, and seniors who worry about outliving their welcome and/or suffering some debilitating disease—they all want something to ... Views: 913
For weeks now I have been writing about anger and how it can destroy your relationships. To help you deal with your anger by speaking out using appropriate words and communication techniques I have developed an acrostic from the word S-P-E-A-K. The acrostic looks like this:
S - Supervise ... Views: 907
The sixth and best way to deal with anger is to SPEAK OUT. Previously I discussed S – Supervise yourself, P – Ponder appropriate responses. Now the E, A and K in the work SPEAK!
Explaining how you feel is far different than screaming a stream of ... Views: 939
By Ron Ross
Anger can be expressed in six common ways. Five of them do not work well. Those five are BLOW OUT, STRIKE OUT, FAKE OUT, SNUFF OUT, and PULL OUT. Read about them at
The best way to deal with anger is to learn how to effectively SPEAK OUT your anger without ... Views: 913
By Ron Ross
Previously I described two ways to deal with anger, BLOW OUT and STRIKE OUT. Here are three other ways people deal with anger:
FAKE OUT! The FAKE OUT way of dealing with anger is used by people who think they have to be nice all the time, so they try to FAKE OUT others by ... Views: 1118
By Ron Ross
My neighbor came charging across the street. His eyes bulged out and his fists were clenched as he came screaming into my yard, “Why the ____ did you call the cops on me?”
“Because you cannot keep you dogs from barking and the entire neighborhood is fed up with it,” I said in ... Views: 913
For review, here are the first four questions to ask yourself when thinking about your own personal success:
• Q1: Which is easier to accomplish: to make the world adjust to my particular needs or for me to adjust to the world as it is today?
• Q2: Who is best suited to fix my personal ... Views: 955
You know the answer: you help yourself most when you help others succeed. But the easier thing to do is pull everyone down, or at least to continue to hang with those who refuse to do anything positive or take any affirmative action to improve their lives.
It is easy to find people with whom ... Views: 1096
There may be times in your life when you need outside help to survive. That is why there are a variety of wonderful charities and social services to help people in times of need. But the reality is programs like Welfare, food stamps, free lunch, and government housing, are ultimately harmful to ... Views: 665
There are an increasing number of people who think Washington DC has all the resources and all the wisdom necessary to solve their daily personal problems. This kind of thinking is music to the ears of professional politicians and government bureaucrats because they want as many people as ... Views: 928
Question 1: Which is easier to accomplish: to make the world adjust to my particular needs or for me to adjust to the world as it is today?
Singer/songwriter Lauryn Hill wrote, “That strong mother doesn’t tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is ... Views: 931
Success is not an accident. It takes planning, effort and discipline.
One way for you to seek your own personal success is to ask the right questions. When you ask the right questions you have a better chance to get the right answers.
The kinds of questions I refer to are not ... Views: 884
Do you have someone around you who whines about the sun when it’s hot and then when it is winter he/she complains about the cold? Do you have a friend or relative who dumps their problems on you but they never attempt to change the way they think, speak or act?
Some people feel so bad about ... Views: 847
More often than I care to admit, I have quit. I have walked off of jobs, terminated projects, and submitted to the realities of more than one broken business model.
No doubt there were times when I quit too soon; if I would have persevered another day or week or month, I may have achieved my ... Views: 1056
“Cassie won a full-ride scholarship to a Division One California University!” bragged my friend whose granddaughter is a star high-school track athlete.
“What is her best event?” I asked.
“The 100 meter hurdles,” he answered with a puffed up chest (he was a state high school championship ... Views: 933
Quitting seems to be a way of life for so many people. How many teenagers do you know who quit school a few months before graduation? Look up and down your street – how many divorced people live around you? Did you ever get so mad at your boss that you walked off the job?
What’s with all the ... Views: 907
People without purpose are not living they are only existing. They are like a rudderless ship on a vast ocean driven hither and yon by the winds and tides. They wonder what the heck happened in the past while they wander aimlessly into the future.
On the other hand, people with a purpose are ... Views: 902
Terry Fox is a name millions of Canadians know well and Terry wasn’t even a hockey player – he was a runner – and he ran for miles and miles and miles – all with a prosthesis on his amputated leg.
At the age of 18 Terry was diagnosed with bone cancer in his right knee and lost his right leg ... Views: 1008
Confidence does not come easy.
Fear does, disappointment does, anger does, failure does; each with little or no effort. But confidence, courage, composure, or conquest does not. If it did, more people would display it in their daily lives.
Because it takes effort, because it takes risk, ... Views: 916
Doing nothing is the hardest work there is.
If you do physical work all day long you will come home tired. If you get up late and lay around the house all day in your pajamas, eat junk food, leave the dishes in the sink, let the yard go to seed and then moan and complain that all you have is ... Views: 966
Another significant reason that proceeding forward gives you the 5000+ Advantage is that motion attracts help, and as you go through life, there will be times when help is what you need.
Several years ago the Air Force Academy football program was highly rated with a great won/lost record and ... Views: 997
“How many hours must a flight student fly before he can solo?” I asked my flight-instructor brother.
“Around 17 hours of training and he or she must make at least 50 take-offs and landings.”
In other words, you do not learn how to fly by reading books and hanging out at the airport talking ... Views: 942
The first powered airplane took flight on December 17, 1903 on a wind-swept beach in North Carolina. Bicycle shop owner brothers Orville and Wilber Wright had long been testing theories of powered flight and on this day, their hard work paid off.
Orville piloted the first flight that lasted ... Views: 893
When you were a kid were you afraid of ghosts, goblins, monsters and that big scary Bogeyman under your bed? Me too, but I got over it.
Would you like to shine the light on the ghosts of past mistakes and scare away the monsters of unforeseen obstacles? Would you like to blow off the menacing ... Views: 954
The airport departure lounge was crowded with family and friends bidding us farewell for a 3+ year commitment in Central Africa. I was only 25-years-old and had a wife and two children, had never travelled internationally and had little idea of what to expect upon our arrival in Africa. In ... Views: 867
How would you like to have a 5000+ percent advantage over everyone else?
Steven Covey in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People tells you how: “The difference between people who exercise initiative and those who don’t is literally the difference between night and day. I’m not ... Views: 864
It is very easy to think, I’m wiser, I’m prettier, I’m more talented, I’m smarter, I’m more popular, I’m better than you at this or that or something else. Of the seven deadly sins, pride is considered the most alluring and the most destructive.
Bad pride shows up as conceit, self-importance, ... Views: 654
Self-talk, whether positive or negative, is your inner voice that says things you seldom speak out loud. How you talk to yourself determines the kind of person you are becoming.
The good news and the bad news about self-talk is that what you say is what you get. Speak critically to yourself ... Views: 914
Some years ago I had the privilege of being a judge at a regional Miss America pageant. You probably know that Miss America pageants are not just about beauty but also intellect. Besides the various beauty related events, the contestants were brought before the Judges one at a time to answer any ... Views: 968
“Take out the garbage!” was a command my mother shouted at me when I was a kid. Today I stuff much of it down the garbage disposal; hit the “on” switch for a few seconds and it all goes down the drain. The rest I wrap tightly in a Walmart grocery bag, place it in the garbage can out back, and ... Views: 1056
Do you watch those mystery documentaries where they take a crime and re-live it, then follow through to the capturing of the perpetrator, his/her trial and ultimate incarceration? We do.
One especially gory episode we started to watch featured a variety of hideous acts that led to the ... Views: 666
Your mind is the singularly most powerful tool for success that you own. It is powerful beyond measure and more valuable than the combined wealth you could ever earn in your lifetime. So, like anything of value, you must protect your mind.
But protect your mind from what? From the six ... Views: 956