For some reason, a lot of people get the idea about trading the market and get completely lost in finding out how to trade. A default thought always seems to be that you need to call your bank, buy ‘something’ with one of the stock brokers there and get advice on what you should do next; from ... Views: 2066
Unlike the stock market, The Forex market is not as heavily regulated so don’t be surprised to see different prices offered for the same currency pairs by different Forex brokers. Each broker receives their price form the Interbank market which consists of major banks and hedge funds so the ... Views: 2019
Working for yourself, earning your own money and being in control of your own time is probably one of the most sought after working lifestyles in the world. The normal advice is to stay away from schemes that promise they will make you a millionaire over night. If you truly desire this kind of ... Views: 1841
Trading Forex can be one of the most difficult jobs to do and perhaps that is why 90% of traders tend to fail. The common misconception is that the market can be a little bit like a betting playground but the truth is completely the opposite. One of the main reasons why traders fail (especially ... Views: 2215