The internal alarm of your body, known as the inflammation response, when confronted with a wound, it responds in a healing way: forming blood clots to avoid bleeding or raising body temperature to destroy bacteria infiltrated through the wound.
However, there is another type of inflammation, ... Views: 1636
If you follow the pyramid of food guide to the dot, you may end up with some health issues in your hands. Why? Because the main goal of the US pyramid is to indiscriminately reduce fat, the good and the bad, while encouraging abundant servings of grains. Unfortunately, study after study has ... Views: 1413
Perhaps the most difficult change you will have to make in a diet for diabetes type 2 is avoiding white and wheat flour products such as bread and cereals. Brown bread may look like a healthy choice, but not all brown breads are whole grain. Most “whole wheat” (brown) bread produced in the ... Views: 1920
Health experts know that the way blood flows in our blood vessels and its thickness affects the formation of blood clots and whether or not we suffer a heart attack or a stroke.
They also know that diet can have a major effect on how the blood flows and how it coagulates which means dangeous ... Views: 5415
A lowering cholesterol diet is not that difficult to follow. In fact, many regular foods sold at your local supermarket can reduce LDL cholesterol, the bad type, increase HDL, the good one, and prevent the oxidation of LDL, making it less harmful to the arteries. Let us see which foods are these ... Views: 1488
Although understanding the working of cholesterol can be a hard task, a diet for cholesterol doesn’t have to be. Actually, if there is something clear in all this cholesterol business is that what you eat can have a tremendous effect on LDL cholesterol, the “bad guy”. Your diet can modify LDL in ... Views: 1423
Making sure your cholesterol levels are normal is very important. That is because cholesterol can lead to blood clots that interfere with regular blood flow in your arteries and in the blood vessels of your brain.
But if you are diabetic, keeping an eye on your cholesterol levels is even more ... Views: 2291
As you grow older, your risk of suffering an accident cerebrovascular increases. However, there is a lot of evidence that the foods you eat can make a difference on whether or not you suffer a stroke. Those foods can also make a difference on whether or not the accident is fatal.
What causes ... Views: 1929
Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day. In 70 years, it will beat 2,500 million times, and still it will have to keep working; in fact, it never stops. Since one of your priorities is to keep it going, you need to make sure it gets the right materials so it can work for ever. Well, maybe not ... Views: 1642
It is assumed that diabetics don’t produce enough insulin, but in type 2 diabetes, that might not be the case. In fact, many type 2 diabetics have high levels of this hormone in the blood mainly due to the cells resisting the efforts of insulin to usher glucose in, creating what is known as ... Views: 1681
Arteries are flexible tubes that carry blood from the heart to every region of the body. They have special properties that ensure they perform this task effectively. However, as we age, several changes occur in these tubes, which lead to serious health conditions such as the formation of plaque ... Views: 1380
Your heart’s function is to continuously pump blood so all your body cells receive the nutrition needed to maintain life. The good news is that as the heart ages, the changes it goes through are not very great and its capacity to send blood to all your cells is not diminished when you are at ... Views: 1050
We have seen that cocoa is high in antioxidants and contains important minerals your body needs. But, at the same time, you may be thinking that even the best chocolates on earth have fat, the saturated kind which could raise your cholesterol. So, is it right to go ahead and indulge in ... Views: 1005
Scientific studies have shown that for glucose to be metabolized properly, your body needs a small amount of chromium. A chromium deficiency can prevent your body from properly using glucose and responding to insulin. It can also lead to overweight, fatigue, excess thirst, increased appetite, ... Views: 1230
Although it has calories, alcohol is neither a carbohydrate, a protein, nor a fat. What is it then? Well, the body considers alcohol a poison that needs to be broken down, detoxified, and removed from your blood as soon as quickly as possible to prevent it from damaging cells and organs. In ... Views: 1272
One reason why our body suffers so much inflammation nowadays is due to an excess of compounds created by too many fats and oils that have an excess of Omega 6 fatty acids. Because vegetable oils may be high in Omega 6s, do you need a substitute for vegetable oil when cooking?
When you eat ... Views: 1242
Since immemorial times, celery has been used to lower high blood pressure, with Hippocrates prescribing the vegetable as a tonic for those suffering from nervous tension. Unfortunately, the medicinal properties of celery had been ignored for many years in favor of pharmaceutical high blood ... Views: 1289
Here is a question I receive in my nutrition classes quite often: Is peanut butter healthy? Well, the answer is, “not quite”. Peanut butter is considered an inflammatory food because of its ratio between Omega 6 and Omega 3 fats. And as you probably know, chronic inflammation is the root for ... Views: 1279
You probably know by experience that standing in front of rows of cereal boxes trying to choose the healthiest one can be a daunting task. You may also have heard or read that people who eat a healthy cereal for breakfast consume more calcium, more fiber and less fat and that it can normalize ... Views: 2243
Although many people all over the world are proclaiming the health benefits of following an Authentic Mediterranean Plan to prevent heart attacks, there is still some confusion about what this diet consists of. And that is in part because at times, different dietary plans are presented to us ... Views: 972
A lot has been said, and written, about Omega-3 fatty oils and the benefits for the heart. However, the never ending questions are: what is better for my heart, fish or fish oil capsules? Can I replace fish with fish oil capsules? Well, here is the answer.
Omega-3 fats consumption is ... Views: 1115
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, reducing sodium intake has a limited effect in lowering high blood pressure and a minimal effect on people with normal blood pressure. However, recent research in the United States is finding out that a moderate sodium intake combined ... Views: 1125
Interest in the Mediterranean diet with its high content of Omega-3 fatty acids from fish has skyrocketed in recent years, after it has been observed that people living in regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea appeared to live longer and suffer less from cardiovascular disease. In ... Views: 956
Part II
A road to avoid
If patients with pre-diabetes lose between 5 and 7% of their weight and they exercise half an hour every day, five days a week, the risk for developing diabetes type 2 Mellitus can be lowered by 60 percent in 3 years.
In Part I of these two articles I indicated that ... Views: 971
Part I
It is not a mystery, and researchers do not have to rack their brains to figure out the whys and wherefores of the high Type II Diabetes incidence that plagues us nowadays as the reason is quite obvious: our lifestyle. In general, our diets, our levels of activity (none in many cases) ... Views: 854
Chinese food appeals to many of us because it is tasty and relatively inexpensive. We are also under the impression that Chinese cuisine is healthy as it includes large portions of vegetables and low amounts of fat. That’s true when the dishes are prepared the traditional Chinese ... Views: 1261
For centuries, legumes or dry beans, as they are commonly known, have been a staple food in the Mediterranean countries where they have played an important part in the fight against heart disease.
Why? Because…
- Legumes contain essential minerals and vitamins such as iron, magnesium, ... Views: 1012
During my childhood and teenager years I ate fruits and vegetables because my mother told me I had to eat them. After I left my parents’ house, I kept eating various fruits and vegetables on a regular basis because I was used to do it (not a bad reason in this particular case).
However, when I ... Views: 1075
Despite supplement advertisements that claim otherwise, vitamins do not provide the body with fuel for energy. Only carbohydrate, fat and protein are used for fuel. But because B vitamins help the body use that fuel, it is true that without B vitamins the body would lack ... Views: 1122
It is free; you can do it at any time and it doesn’t require being in top shape. In addition, walking improves high blood pressure, tones the muscles, has many cardiovascular benefits, and helps you get rid of some calories. What are you waiting for?
According to experts, walking at least ... Views: 990
According to U.S. General Surgeon, heart attacks and strokes are highly preventable. Thus, if more people die from heart disease than from any other illness, we need to give a serious consideration to what we are doing wrong.
In this article you will find the 7 main reasons why we may end up ... Views: 1355
A few days ago I was with my sister in Madrid, Spain, doing window shopping (nowadays, with the fall of the dollar against the euro, it is difficult to do any other kind of shopping in Europe). After wandering for a while, we took a break and went to a cafeteria.
I ordered a bottle of water and ... Views: 1058
The holidays are gone and you are left with plenty of wonderful memories: time spent with your family and friends, sharing presents with your loved ones, lots of parties, and as part of all those gatherings, why not, memories of mouthwatering meals and desserts such as cakes, tarts, pies, ... Views: 854
Oranges have been from time immemorial a staple food in the Mediterranean countries. They have also been a major player in protecting the people of that region from heart disease. Thus, if you never thought of oranges as a ¡§must¡¨ food for your heart, here are some good reasons to start doing ... Views: 979
The French paradox
In studies conducted in 1992, it was observed that in southern France, mortality rates from heart disease were lower than expected despite the consumption of diets high in saturated fat. Researchers attributed the impressive low incidence of heart disease, 50 percent lower ... Views: 1123