Often times, we become so consumed with the misfortunes of life that we fail to see the rainbow that awaits us. When the brisk summer thunderstorm passes overhead, eventually the clouds clear and the brilliant sun begins to peak through… and beyond the sun’s rays and the blue skies dawns the ... Views: 1383
Emotions running rampant and can’t quite get a grasp on which direction to take in life? Ready to magnify your inner voice? Try this on for size – mind-body medicine! Unlike conventional medicine, mind-body techniques like meditation can add powerful substance to healing our emotions and to ... Views: 1549
“We are all in the world together and so we must work together for the benefit of the whole in order for all of us to coexist in balance and harmony.” – Joan Marie Whelan
The “whole” in this instance is the “whole” Universe, and the Universal flow of energy. When we work against the flow of ... Views: 2557
Ever wonder how some couples stay happily married for 50 years or how in love some couples appear to be? Call it chemistry, call it an instant click, or maybe…just maybe there was something intuitive about these relationships that made them work quite as well as they have.
There are a lot of ... Views: 1655
You can’t take it with you
Recently, a friend of mine attended a funeral of a not-so-distant and humble relative. Like most funerals, the occasion was somber. An older but kindly preacher who personally knew the deceased presided over the reading of the eulogy. As he spoke with a long, ... Views: 1533
If you are, you might be hindering your advancement as well as the progress of others. It is okay to want things and to acquire success, but sometimes, we allow our personal goals and ulterior needs and motives to get in the way of overall growth. How, you ask? Just look around you, we are ... Views: 1827
Have you been stuck in a dead-end job or relationship and cannot seem to move forward in your professional or personal life? Nine times out of ten, you are holding onto old emotional wounds that are preventing you from making wise decisions about your life and the direction you need to take to ... Views: 1441
Losing is a part of everyday life. You can get beat and you will be recognized for doing your best but that is all part of life's true gifts when we take them as lessons and learn from them. I honestly believe that we truly only can fail in life only when we quit. If we never quit then we ... Views: 1991
Ah, the allure of spring… isn’t this the perfect time to get all the dust out of the nooks and crannies of your house? Springtime is also the perfect time to take a long look at your personal and professional life to fine-tune your mind, body and spirit! In order to de-clutter your house, you ... Views: 1316
…Or an ember of weakness? How you carry yourself determines the type of energy you emit and receive. If you think like a winner, you begin to feel and speak like one. The more you assume the role and speak like a champion, the quicker and more successful your goals are achieved.
2010 brings ... Views: 1520
Dutchman, Sven Kramer was on his way to a gold medal and an Olympic record in the 10,000 meter race when his coach directed him to change lanes because in his mind he thought he was in the wrong lane. The coach erred—Sven was actually in the right place at the right time and he knew it; but he ... Views: 1481
It appears all over the internet—fear, worry and concern about the coming of 2012. We are all hearing the doomsday messages across the board. We hear about Mayan prophecies, we hear about Nostradamus, we hear about climate change, we hear about solar flares…and we have not even gotten started ... Views: 1299
From the moment we are born into this world, we are in the process of what I’ll call “transition.” Transition in life is constant; and it guarantees that we will always be transforming throughout our lives — even in death. Remember that energy never dies — it transforms; this is how we as ... Views: 1569
In perfect harmony… Remember that old jingle by Coke? Imagine if everyone sung in unison – we could all work and live in harmony in such a way that would be conductive in making the world a better, happier place. That being said, I want to teach you how to sing in harmony ... Views: 1311
Have you ever noticed that when opportunity arises, it’s never in “our time”? Rather, it comes at sometimes the most “inopportune” times – meaning that we’re often not prepared to receive it and use it to our advantage.
Here’s a great example: An individual I know (we’ll call him Dan) had a ... Views: 1351
There has been a lot of chatter on the Web, on TV programming and in open discussion about the year 2012. Propagating Mayan Prophecy further was the film debut of 2012, which held viewing audiences captivated with its spectacular and alarming scenes of a cataclysmic event.
Throughout ... Views: 1611
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all see into our own futures? Wouldn’t it be even nicer if we had someone cheering us on along the sidelines telling us what direction to take and how to take it? Well, in a way, that is what professional intuitive coaches do for their clients. A reputable ... Views: 1540
Ricky Martin is famous for singing about it; but how many of you are living it? The “crazy life,” that is.
Do you wake up every morning with a sense of direction and focus?
Do you know what you want today so that you can have it tomorrow and in the future?
Are you ... Views: 2542
What actions have you determined are necessities in your life to keep you on track? If you’re pining for the straight and narrow path to success, then you must know that in order to achieve the affluence you so desire, you must love yourself first and be consistent in every one of your ... Views: 1980
We all know that we must take action to change our outcomes but we often get caught up in the execution of a plan; so I am going to give you five steps that may help you get started and be held accountable to the goals you want to achieve in your life with this unique Do or Die Plan of Action ... Views: 1359
Finding Happiness in Nature
When I was young, a childhood friend told me that if I held a buttercup beneath my chin, and my chin glowed yellow, it meant that I liked butter. Now, I tried the buttercup experiment, and sure enough, my chin glowed yellow. It was such a silly little amusement, ... Views: 1503
How to overcome your inner battle
We’ve all been at various points in our lives where we fight our inner demons to determine which way to turn to achieve success. These inner battles are actually quite necessary because they are what lead to both a spiritual healing and emotional healing ... Views: 1665
If you have the precise life recipe, you can increase your opportunities for creating and sustaining a happy, affluent lifestyle. But sometimes, you must change your direction to make this path more defined, more reachable. Here are four tips to design the life you’ve always wanted, and how to ... Views: 1581
4 Ways the Manifestation Method can help you Achieve Prosperity
There's wisdom in the 1969 hit, Only the Strong Survive, singer Jerry Butler sings “There’s a lot of opportunity out there just waiting for you, but you’ll never succeed if you’ve given up…Only the strong survive, only the strong ... Views: 1369
Say what? Let me repeat that for you: “Deciding to be wealthy is the first step to becoming wealthy.” I want you to plant the seed of wealth in your mind, your heart, and your soul. Mental bars that keep you from moving forward in your life no longer bind you. You are now free to accept ... Views: 1765
In a very recent news article, the solar eclipse happening is pitting science against superstition. Why all the superstition? According to the report, 95 percent of unrest or war is associated with this type of celestial anomaly.
Whether or not that may be true, I want you to focus on the ... Views: 1366
When is the last time you’ve given yourself permission to do something just for the fun of it? I know…we all get caught up in work, family, and home. But isn’t it time that you made time for yourself? With summer in full swing, you should kick off your shoes and step back into your childhood ... Views: 1340
As an intuitive master and life coach, I’ve assisted countless individuals in becoming and staying focused on the outcome they want to achieve by helping them gain greater insight into their dreams. I’ve also shown individuals how to streamline their goals so they can achieve professional and ... Views: 1945
When the going gets tough, whom can you trust?
We’re not always able to trust external sources like the government, banking institutions, and other outside entities. We can, however always rely on our inner intuitive voice and wisdom, which can provide us with the guidance and light to lead ... Views: 1458
Pull up a stool and grab a cup of sunshine, while I tell you the story about a philosophical bartender; who changed lives through his simple yet profound words of wisdom.
“In every life there will fall some rain,” Jerry would say, “the rain only comes to wash away the tears from our eyes so ... Views: 1422
Tommy James and the Chandelles had a fairly good perception of how to tap into your intuitive powers to create the life you want to lead. In their song, Crystal Blue Persuasion, they sing, “…don’t you give up now, so easy to find; just look to your soul, open your mind – Crystal blue ... Views: 1523
Who says you can’t have it all? When you take the time to realize your human potential, you can truly manifest happiness and prosperity in all areas of your life -- and that, my friends, is how you discover inner peace. But in order to achieve inner peace in your life, you must first transform ... Views: 945
There are often times in our lives when we reflect on all the things we "could have done" or "should have done" because there's an emptiness that we begin to harbor when we're not in the career or line of work we'd choose to be. Easier said than done, eh? Well, that really depends on how badly ... Views: 1318
Moms are intuitive beings.
Guys, it’s really nothing personal, but Moms are the leaders of the pack when it comes to achieving peace and harmony on the home front. Remember when Mom said things like “I’ve got eyes in the back of my head”? Though she may not physically have eyes in the back of ... Views: 1054
“You cannot fix what is wrong on the outside if you do not know how to fix what is wrong on the inside. When my students learned how to heal from their past emotions, everything started to flow more fluidly --they were able to take charge over their story and direct its course; and you will be ... Views: 1764
Franklin D. Roosevelt said at his first Inaugural Address, "...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
This statement is so true in so many ways. When we fear change, we aren't necessarily fearing the change, we are fearing the unknown; and the unknown can sometimes be scary for some ... Views: 1227
We've all been there, are there, or may possibly go there at some point in our lives...and it's no fun, either. What I'm talking about is the blues brought on by unexpected life changes. Somewhere between here and there, our lifestyles become convoluted with "stuff" -- stuff that doesn't make ... Views: 3556
Today’s economic and credit crunch has driven some individuals to the brink of bankruptcy and sadly, even suicide. However, if some of these individuals had only taken the time to listen to their intuition and had strategically planned their outcomes, they may not have ended up in the situations ... Views: 958
While most of us desire a better and brighter future, many don't apply the inner wisdom that can lead us to fulfilling life dreams. Either we're too busy, too closed-minded, or just too confused by all the philosophical hype. The good news is that each one of us holds a positive blueprint for ... Views: 1075
Supreme Court Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts." Love is indeed a splendorous thing - but what it boils down to is being able to find the love within yourself to restore the harmony and balance to your authentic ... Views: 844
There are those special few, who've chosen career paths as teachers and mentors. I have a lot of good things to say about teachers because they're the ones who give us the basic life skills to survive and succeed. Unfortunately, our "life trainers" are human beings just like the rest of us, ... Views: 1051
Have you ever heard the expression, "Become the change you want to be"? This motivational statement should be the foundation to not only promoting peace, but to achieving peace - both internally and in the world around us.
When you "become the change you want to be," you are creating an ... Views: 1053
While our economy may be experiencing a recession, it doesn’t mean that your mind and spirit need to fall into a slump as well. I know it's difficult sometimes; especially if you’re a worry wart, who constantly tunes into the six o’clock news to get status reports on the state of the Union. Put ... Views: 907
What is it about imagination that makes the most simple of things a beautiful vision? One can only assume that some of history’s greatest artists like daVinci must've been filled with an incredible imagination to be able to conceive and complete some of the world’s finest pieces of art. The ... Views: 1471
During these difficult economic times, how are you maintaining a positive attitude?
Is it the smile on your child’s face you search for every morning? Is it the wagging tail of your furry friend? Or do you crawl back into bed and hope that it all goes away? Life doesn’t always hand us the ... Views: 912
Have you ever heard Lee Ann Womack's song? The first line of her hit lyrics begins with "I hope you never lose your sense of wonder..." Have you lost your sense of wonder and forgotten how to dance? Or worse still, you never learned how to dance? I want you to really think about those questions. ... Views: 757
What's character building all about? Ever heard someone say, "I earned my degree at the School of Hard Knox."? As a parody of higher education with respect to life, many have achieved inner wisdom and greatness by overcoming the perils of life through sheer willpower and determination to ... Views: 1380
As I was rummaging through my latest emails, I came across an inspirational quote, “A matter of success is often not a matter of talent but a matter of tenacity.” Let’s think about that sentence for a few minutes…how very true this is. In reality, we can achieve and ... Views: 994
Were you aware that you have the power inside you to create positivity and prosperity?
You do. When you use your imagination to view challenges as opportunities, you begin to re-pattern your thoughts and your mindset into a more powerful one that steers the positive flow of Universal energy ... Views: 789
What’s character building all about? Ever heard someone say, “I earned my degree at the School of Hard Knox.”? As a parody of higher education with respect to life, many have achieved inner wisdom and greatness by overcoming the perils of life through sheer willpower and ... Views: 2059