We've all experienced it - the rapid beating of our heart, the sudden perspiration on our brow, the shaking of our body and the weakness in our knees. Fear is the instinctual response our brain has to potential or perceived danger. In its truest form, it’s a healthy emotion. We need it to ... Views: 2992
For most of us, figuring out what our life purpose is, is not high on our to do list. We have a job, family obligations, social commitments, appointments…the list seems never ending. The problem is, without a well-defined life purpose, most of the things on our to do list don’t seem to get us ... Views: 2774
Let’s face it – life is risky. Every action holds the potential for success or failure. While many people are scared of taking any kind of risk that moves them out of their comfort zone, the truth is that doing nothing, and settling for less than you deserve, is the riskiest choice of all. By ... Views: 4662