You’ve decided (or think that you’ve decided) that you want to do a triathlon. Where that idea came from is worthy of discussion and will be a large factor in how long you remain involved with the sport but for our purposes in this article we’re going to assume a few things. The first is that ... Views: 1121
I never used to pay much attention to my feet. I mean, they were just there. They did what feet were supposed to do – provide my body a base of support and mobility. I just assumed and took for granted that they would continue to do that with minimal attention from me. And they did! Sure I ... Views: 2004
A huge part of how and why we’re able to get ourselves out the door each day to run is that we have some motivation or goal to provide that impetus. Whether we’re trying to lose a few pounds or inches or we’re training for that half-marathon that’s coming up in 3 months we have tangible reasons ... Views: 1804