By MaryEllen Tribby
"I was so inspired by your presentation! Now I finally understand what I need to do to start my own business," Cynthia said.
This was just one of many comments I heard after delivering my presentation at the Glazer/Kennedy Info Summit a while back.
My presentation ... Views: 1016
By MaryEllen Tribby
How many times in your career have you heard the term "Deal Breaker"? Probably about a million, right? Well the problem with that term is it only gives you half the information, hence leaving you wide open for a 50% failure rate.
That's right if you want to make the big ... Views: 980
By MaryEllen Tribby
The other day I was tired. Not just yawn tried, but so tired my head hurt, my feet hurt and everything in between hurt.
To make matters worse, I had a zillion and one things that needed to get done that day, important things. Including hosting a bi-monthly Q & A ... Views: 1684
You could have endless debates about practically any topic related to the business world.
You might argue over the best type of business… A traditional brick-and-mortar business… Or an online information publishing business… Or something in between.
You could debate the most important ... Views: 1418
I’ll never forget seeing Uncle Tony in the hospital bed...
Doors of hospital rooms are so big and wide – they make you feel exposed just standing there. And that smell is always there... some mix of chemicals and medications that's supposed to smell “clean,” but doesn’t.
The smell and the ... Views: 1402
“I know it’s a lot of money, but for every pair of shoes purchased, a pair is donated to help kids all over the world who can’t afford shoes.”
These were the words of my 13-year-old daughter as she was convincing me to buy her not one, not two, but three pairs of TOMS shoes!
Even though ... Views: 1491
It’s Christmas week and we are all busy. Unfortunately, many people hear the word ‘busy’ and think ‘stressful’.
Well, this does not have to be the case. As a matter of fact, busy should mean fun, joy and excitement.
I want you to have less stress and more joy this holiday season. ... Views: 1381
It was just three years ago that I quit the security of having a wonderful corporate
CEO job, working for one of the few thriving organizations in a dreadful economy.
Many people told me I was nuts. They knew that jobs like mine were few and far
They were right in saying that ... Views: 1371
Even though it was two years ago, I can still remember the conversation like it was yesterday.
My friend, Janet, called me in hysterics the night of her company holiday party. Earlier that evening she was mingling with many co-workers. As the night went on, she found herself deep in a ... Views: 1748
"Mom, I think I want to be president," Connor said.
"Is that so? I thought you wanted to be a professional baseball player," I replied.
"No, not when I grow up..." he explained. "I want to be president NOW."
That's right! Connor, my 10-year-old, was nominated for class president. He ... Views: 1632
It’s a self-marketing tactic I’ve really come to hate…
I’m talking about “networking.” Sure, I’ve been hearing all about networking for years. I’ve even used the word myself!
But when you get down to it, networking is cold, sterile… and it seems self-serving: one person trying to form a ... Views: 1595
“Well, I don’t want Annie to be mad at me – we are so close, she really is my best friend,” I heard this woman at Whole Foods say. It seemed like a harmless enough comment when I heard it.
Boy was I wrong.
First, let me say I do not spend my days ease dropping on complete strangers ... Views: 1437
Print ads, pay-per-click ads, direct mail, radio, and television. There are dozens of marketing channels that you can use to effectively get your message out to millions of potential customers. Now, you may be using all of these marketing methods ... and even more. But I want to be sure that you ... Views: 1176
Chasing the money will never make you rich.
Working 60, 70 even 80 hours a week alone will never make you rich.
Sitting around and manifesting success will never make you rich.
However, taking deliberate, purposeful, effective action is what makes you rich: rich with inner ... Views: 1298
Four years ago when my daughter, Mikaela, was just ten years old she was given an assignment for school. She was to write a story about what she would do if she was given a piece of land.
When I came home from the office, she asked me if I would read her story to make sure it was okay. I ... Views: 1059
I have loved baseball since I was a little girl. My dad took me to my very first Yankee game when I was six years old and boy I was hooked!
Over the years I have had my favorite Yankees. Currently, Jeter is the man.
Yet, of all the years that I have been a fan and of all the line-ups I ... Views: 1102
While working with and studying entrepreneurial legends including but not limited to, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Steve Forbes, Michael Masterson, Bill Bonner and Marty Edelston for nearly 25 years I have concluded there are three main reasons people start their own businesses. They are:
1. ... Views: 1235
Teaching our kids certain skills and personal habits just isn’t good enough. We need to lead by example and live the skills and traits we teach.
Not only when it is convenient, but all the time.
Here is a list of what I believe to be the seven most important characteristics and skills we ... Views: 1659
Determining what is essential and what’s not essential is key for a successful business. So here is a secret I have not told many.
It wasn’t always this way for me.
I wasn’t born with a magical playbook. I developed my success playbook over years and years of trial and error. I developed ... Views: 1323
On any given day, most of us dedicate time to our children, spouses, careers, friends, charities, churches, parents, siblings, clients, household activities, and, oh yeah, if there is a little extra time left in the day, ourselves.
So why is it that only a select few of us can make it look ... Views: 1159
“I love working from home, I get so much laundry done and today I even cleaned out my refrigerator.” This was a comment I overheard the other night while waiting for the PTA meeting to start at my daughters’ school.
Unfortunately that was far from the first time I have heard a work at home ... Views: 1264
Do you know what you want to do with your life?
Really know?
Do you want to start your own business? Ready to join the ranks of famous entrepreneurs? Entrepreneurs, who set their own hours, make the amount of money they desire, and spend more time with their family. Entrepreneurs who make ... Views: 1161
It really isn't such a big mystery.
When my family and I moved back to South Florida from Texas, people wanted to know "why?". Everyone thought there was a big juicy story to be told.
But, the bottom line was that it was simple. We did not enjoy living in Texas. Now don't get me wrong; ... Views: 1177
Recently to my great surprise, I found out that the show “24” was coming back to television for a new season.
This is my favorite TV show of all times. It is filled with well-developed characters, intriguing story lines and suspenseful cliffhangers that end each episode.
If you are not ... Views: 1067
It was just about a year ago. I was sitting in my gorgeous newly built home in Austin, Texas, looking out at our resort- style pool set against the picturesque Texas Hill Country, and thinking – this house does not make a home.
That was the exact moment I knew we needed to move back to ... Views: 1044