Conflict is part and parcel of life and conflicts do occur in every organization or between and among organizations. To effectively and constructively deal with conflicts people need to understand the dynamics of conflicts and the strategies for effectively dealing with them. An understanding of ... Views: 2544
When rules of a game change the player’s strategies and actions must also change so as to win in that game. The same goes for business. On the eve of the 21st century the nature of doing business has tremendously changed. Global competition, characteriest by networks that bind countries, the ... Views: 9411
Leadership is a great quality and every great organizational success besides other factors owes its credit to the leader who led it to glory. Small groups, families, organizations, states, empires and even the world at large need good ... Views: 4435
In the quest for achieving greater competitiveness and market share businesses use all sorts of strategies to win and defeat their competitors. These approaches may be classified into two categories. The first category is based on ethical practices. This include using innovation, better ... Views: 6560
There was a very poor man who was very hungry and desperate for help. Hearing about the generosity of Prophet Muhammad he approached him and asked for his help and charity. The Holy Prophet instead asked him to bring whatever he has from his home. The man returned with an old copper mug. The ... Views: 2647
There was a very poor man who was very hungry and desperate for help. Hearing about the generosity of Prophet Muhammad he approached him and asked for his help and charity. The Holy Prophet instead asked him to bring whatever he has from his home. The man returned with an old copper mug. The ... Views: 1459
Why do people buy a product or service? Or, for that matter, why do people do all the things they do? There is a very critical and one answer and that is people buy a product or service to get better value for their money. People also do all the other things ... Views: 1284
Excellence is an excellent word and excellent companies strive for achieving it. Many factors contribute to the excellence of companies chief among them is employee’s commitment. Without commitment no company can think of achieving excellence. ... Views: 16990
Why do people buy a product or service? Or, for that matter, why do people do all the things they do? There is a very critical and one answer and that is people buy a product or service to get better value for their money. People also do all the other things ... Views: 2572