Have you closed your heart, afraid to let anyone in because you've been rejected, betrayed, let down by those you love and trust? The wall you now put up to protect yourself may very well be the wall that's keeping you from experiencing Unconditional Love.
How do you open your heart to Love's ... Views: 934
If you want to experience the healing power of Unconditional Love in your life, letting down your defence walls will help you. No matter what others have done to you, if you allow these hurts to keep you bound you would have committed the worst offense to yourself.
Stop reliving the past each ... Views: 1014
Developing the power of concentration is a powerful tool to helping you resolve whatever situation you're facing. Every problem has a solution waiting to be uncovered. But this solution often times requires the power of concentration to yield the answer to you.
In this article we'll uncover 3 ... Views: 1176
Have you allowed your fear to grip you to the point of making a situation worse than it really is? Fear has a way of creating more monsters in the closet than what's truly there.
As I came closer to my due date for having my baby and realized that any day now I'd be in labor, I felt my fear ... Views: 1374
To overcome any habit, a new habit needs to replace the old. And so it is with the habit of quitting. In order for you to overcome it and develop the habit of persistence, you need to practice the new habit until it becomes natural to you.
So here are 4 action steps you can use to empower you ... Views: 909
Often times we fail to fully attract what we desire because of lack of concentrated focus. When you use the power of concentration, you become empowered from within to manifest your desires.
Let's use this popular scientific experiment as an example. When you take a magnifying glass and a ... Views: 1055
If you're constantly following the status quo, doing what everybody's doing, then you'll also be getting the same results as everyone else, and not getting what you truly desire. If you want something different from the crowd, you'll have to do things differently.
So how exactly do you go ... Views: 897
All we need for our journey here on earth has already been provided. Our faith in that provision unlocks the door for its release. Our supply continues to flow in accordance to our usage and our belief that what we need will manifest itself at the right time.
Little usage produces small flow ... Views: 985
Often times when we quit it's because we've become overwhelmed by the difficulty of the task before us and as a result we lose confidence that we could actually complete it, then we lose interest and finally give up altogether.
So let's look at 4 keys to taking it one step at a time to ... Views: 864
Are you feeling like you've lost your way, that you need to get back on track but you don't know which way to go? The path you need to take is always there but often times we don't see it because our eyes are covered over with limitations, disbelief and any kind of negativity.
Life with the ... Views: 1034
For the most part, we know what we would like to do with our lives, what we would change or what we would do differently. But often times that's where it remains; we're left with the feeling of regret or even helplessness not knowing which way to go, what steps to take or know that we could ... Views: 757
So you're working towards getting the results you want but you find it overwhelming or a bit confusing, so what do you do? Start with something small so you can become empowered from within. If this is something you're now learning to do, in order to get the hang of it, you need to begin with ... Views: 665
Do you give up at the first sign of difficulty? When you make a decision to do something and you stumble upon obstacles, do you lose interest, momentum and finally give up? Do you find yourself going from one thing to another because you find it difficult to understand or too much work ... Views: 1264
Struggling with the habit of quitting comes about as a result of the way we've come to view situations or tasks that appear difficult at first. Anytime you choose to do something new you'll be faced with the initial learning curve and many times we interpret this as being difficult. So in order ... Views: 799
As important as visualization is, you can't just think of your mental image and be detached from it and expect it to be effective. You've got to become one with your visualized image and own it.
Let's look at what elements are needed to empower your visualization.
Element #1 - ... Views: 975
In order to effectively use visualization, you need to have the correct mindset for it to be beneficial for your life. So then, what is the correct mindset you should adopt for effective visualization?
What are you focused on?
Shift your attention to what it is you want. By focusing on the ... Views: 815
The giant within waits for your summon for help. It will not awaken unless you allow it. If you choose to hold on the 'grasshopper mindset' you will not be able to experience the greatness of your giant. The 'grasshopper mindset' and the 'giant mindset' cannot both exist in the same space. One ... Views: 1440
Recently our family gathered to watch the movie Ella Enchanted. On the day of Ella's birth, Ella's Fairy Godmother gave her a gift - the gift of obedience. With this gift Ella had no choice but to do what she was asked to do, whether or not she wanted to and no matter how bad the deed was. Ella ... Views: 1503
A grasshopper's size is really tiny in comparison to a giant. If you look at yourself with this same perspective in the face of your adversity, you limit and deny yourself of being able to overcome whatever situation you may be going through right now. If you see yourself as being limited and ... Views: 1137
The way you see yourself, your perspective of who you are, plays a vital part in the way you act and the experiences you have in all areas of your life. If you have a low perspective of yourself or a low self-image no matter what situation, you'll find yourself being unsuccessful in whatever you ... Views: 959
The perspective you've adopted for yourself, whether it came from your own opinion or the opinion of others plays a major role. You're the decision maker in your own life and how you decide to view yourself will determine if you'll live in mental freedom or be bound by the thoughts of ... Views: 1235
Mastery is developed in the silence and becomes evidence in our reality. So then, what action steps can we take to master our lives with Spirit Guidance? Let's look at some action steps now.
Step #1 - Habitual Entrance into the Silence
The more time you spend with someone the more you get ... Views: 948
Judge not and you would not be judged. To judge something is to make or form an opinion of something whether right or wrong. When you judge someone or something, you open yourself to be judged by another based on the measure of your judgment. It comes back to you like the reflection or image ... Views: 861
In order for you to become a master, you must first follow the Master. You must learn his ways. You must become a student of mastery. It must be a way of life. Only the Master knows when the student is ready. So decide to be a master now. See yourself as a master. Act as a master until it ... Views: 1145
As you quiet the mind and the body you're allowing power from the Infinite Source to empower you from within. Silence in the now is where great power resides. The still small voice speaks loudly in the silence. Wisdom emerges out of the silence. Confidence comes to you as you're strengthened in ... Views: 1456
In order to become more successful at living in the power of now, these 2 important keys unlock the door to attaining this spiritual level of enlightenment.
1) Become more 'now' conscious
Develop the now consciousness by becoming more now conscious. Pay attention to what's in front of you, ... Views: 793
Living in the Power of Now enables you to activate the power that's available to you now. Power does not come to you for a past event. Neither does it come to you for something you're going to do in the future.
Power comes to you now! Now, when you need it to carry out the task that's ... Views: 1182
What will you do with Now? Will you continue to live in the past, as good or bad as it was? 'Was' being the operative word here - it's gone. Or will you constantly live in the future - that which is not here yet?
Your past and your future only exist in your mind. All you have is here and now. ... Views: 1147
The majority of humanity on a daily basis experience cloudy/overcast days, with maybe glimpses of sun trying to penetrate and brighten up our lives. But even on those days, the storms created by the mind because of wrong thinking block out the sun and leave a life in darkness - fear and despair. ... Views: 830
Do you know who you really are? Okay, I hear you say an emphatic, "Yes!" But do you really really know who you are? Many of us identify with being our physical bodies - I'm tall, I'm short, I'm beautiful, I'm fat, I'm black, I'm white, I'm Indian, I'm American, I'm Canadian, I'm a doctor, I'm a ... Views: 813
The success formula, R=IOT, Repetition = Imprint Over Time, can be used to enhance, shape and transform your personal growth, so you experience more love, joy, contentment as well as alleviate stress from your daily life and attract more of the good you desire to experience.
Let's look closer ... Views: 1344
Many of us encounter financial difficulties because we've not taken the time to closely look at our finances or learn new ways in which we can better our financial position - whether it's saving or increasing our savings, investing or starting up a business.
We apply many of the strategies ... Views: 856
Ever stopped to wonder why you have the talents that you do? The gifts and dreams you have were not embedded in your make up just for your own enjoyment. You were born for this time period on the earth to make a difference living your dream easily and effortlessly.
Some things you do ... Views: 865
If you find you're not having the results you want, then perhaps it's time to check with your belief system. It's time to go to the subconscious mind where all of your beliefs are stored from since your childhood up until now. Some of them you may not realize are there controlling your current ... Views: 1119
When you see your body through the eyes of the Spirit, you begin to see and treat your body differently.
Your body should not take the attention away from who you truly are inside, but it should be seen as a visible means of expression of the Spirit and of your talents, abilities and ... Views: 2082
If your reason for changing is to please others, then you’re in for some serious disappointments and you’ll be forever changing your life to win the favour of others. For when you think that you’ve finally arrived to where they think you should be, there’ll be something else you’ll have to ... Views: 973
People fall into the trap of being people pleasers because they think they will gain the approval of others and as long as they get the approval of others they feel good about themselves. The desire to be liked, accepted and approved of is at the forefront of this need to please others. This ... Views: 2289
When you’re disconnected from the Source of your life energy you may feel like you’re running on empty or you may experience imbalance. It’s time to draw from the Infinite Supply so you can experience more joy, peace and love and elevate your life to a higher level giving you more balance and ... Views: 991
When you listen to a life-changing seminar, a sermon or read a motivational book, in order to reap the fullest benefits of the information, you need to take it to the next level. Listening and reading is not enough. We need to internalize this information, allow it to become a part of us until ... Views: 4898
Because of fear, we are limited in our thinking and therefore limited in our experiences. Take the limits off your mind and free yourself. If you ever allow yourself to feel all the desires of your heart without the inhibition of fear or limiting beliefs, you'll find that your imagination can ... Views: 1600
The path on our journey, as we are working towards and expecting the manifestation of our desire, produces patience and endurance. But how do you keep motivated during the months and perhaps years of hoping and expectation? How do you keep the dream fire alive?
Tip #1 - Know that you will ... Views: 1127
Your emotions fuel your desire. But how exactly do you control and direct your emotions to manifest your desire?
It takes practice but there's a simple way to do this and anybody can use it regardless of your educational background, status or connections or lack of connections.
Just like ... Views: 3444
Do you remember when you learned to drive a car or ride a bicycle? At first, it seemed like a difficult task.
You had to learn the basic procedures, requirements and theory. Then, you needed to apply what you learned to practical application. No matter how much you knew about driving or ... Views: 2243
You've been hearing over and over that you should take inspired action. So, what's the difference between inspired action and regular action?
Everyday you're taking action. You may be engaged in some sort of activity but the activity still does not bring you closer to your goal. You find ... Views: 2027
If you've ever felt the effects of an inferiority complex, you'd know how it affects one's confidence and ultimately one's self-esteem. Inferiority complex usually comes as a result of you comparing yourself to or someone comparing you to someone else or to a particular "standard" of behaviour ... Views: 2911
From time to time, we all face some kind of a challenge which may make us wonder if we'll ever come through it. You can begin overcoming adversity and turn your adversity into positivity if you choose to look at your situation from a positive angle.
1) Decide and choose your desired ... Views: 1076
Do you live with a difficult spouse? Are you in a difficult relationship? Is your child giving you 'grief'? How about that pesky neighbor of yours? Yes, the one that's always nosing into your 'business'? How are you dealing with these people? Do you feel like you'd rather go for a walk instead ... Views: 1075
It's your turn to learn from the Master... and create miracles in your life.
Jesus wanted to feed the people because they were hungry. The disciples were concerned.
How can anyone fill and satisfy these people with loaves of bread here in this desolate and uninhabited region?
The ... Views: 1718
You've probably heard the term, 'embrace freedom'. But how do you truly do that?
First of all, in order for you to embrace freedom you must first believe that you are free. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years. How do you suppose he maintained his sanity for such a long time and rose to ... Views: 1453
We've all at one point or another asked, "Why am I here? What's my purpose?" But how exactly do you determine your purpose?
Everyone of us came to planet earth for a purpose. You were designed and structured to add value to the earth in the space and time you are here. You may say, "I have ... Views: 1079