A non dual recognition has the potential to trigger massive shifts, on the level of consciousness.
So much of these shifts are discussed quite thoroughly in non duality satsang. What makes it difficult to point to them, is that these descriptions give the mind a way to control the awakening ... Views: 550
This post intends to make a very clear distinction between the non dual message and the understanding of kundalini awakening.
A kundalini awakening is the awakening of pure awareness, consciousness, or life force that initiates mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual shifts.
Kundalini ... Views: 694
Who is the undomesticated creature? How has she liberated herself? What are her ways?
The wild woman is the creative essence in each of us, it is the womb of all potential, a fully unknowable, ripe void of possibilities for birth, growth and transformation. Wether we know it or not, each and ... Views: 756
When water is stirred up, it’s hard to see the bottom.
When it settles, finally we can see the leaves, twigs, branches, stones, or even fish bones…
The same goes for the light of awareness. Once the Truth or light of presence is recognized as the all-pervading reality, separation begins to ... Views: 792
Why are human relationships one of the most powerful creations in the world of form?
Because, in essence, we are all the same. Sure, we’re all human. But, we’re also one Being.
It would make sense then that when we have broken relationships, feel disconnected, misunderstood, rejected, ... Views: 741
Q. Can affirmations change my life?
A. When we wake from the world of form, for some time the process can be very messy. The ego structure is now stronger than ever because it is unraveling the word of form - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Everything during a period of post-awakening (which ... Views: 790
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Prayer - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
Prayer is so ancient. Since the beginning of time humans have honored life, pondered and celebrated their existence! Any positive focus upon the resolution of conflict, the well being of human beings and our planet and the expression of joy and gratitude for all the beauty and gifts in our life ... Views: 1453
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Gossip - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
When we directly or indirectly participate in negative talk about others or gossip, we are not a match to divine love. Our choice to listen to, indulge, participate in, spread or instigate gossip or negative talk of any kind directed towards others causes an absolute breakdown of our ... Views: 1365
I think many people have had confusion about what the Kundalini rising is. Many of my students ask me what it is, is it dangerous, how do you know if it has risen etc. Our primary dialogue occurs over Kundalini Yoga.
I took my first Kundalini Yoga class in 2007. Shortly after I became ... Views: 1503
Nature isn’t just important, it is imminent.
Notice how you feel. How do you feel after a few hours on the computer, spending the majority of the day indoors, after a long drive in traffic, after a trip to the city, after a 20 minute or longer phone conversation. How do you feel when you have ... Views: 1310
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Deserving - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
One of the most difficult layers for us to resolve is the one related to self-love. What is self-love? It is the ability to view who you are with unconditional compassion and acceptance. I’ve mentioned this before, and it is worth mentioning this again: anytime we are trying to “fix” something ... Views: 1493
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Oneness - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
For years on my spiritual path my teachers, friends and many awakened leaders would speak of a very abstract concept: Oneness. “We are all one…”, “We are all connected…, “The other person is you…”, blah, blah, blah. I got the point and I started to believe that indeed we were equals and not one ... Views: 1388
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Demonizing - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
Demonizing is a coping mechanism that we employ to painlessly process our fears. It is the act of projecting onto a person, situation or environment-separation. Any time we speak negatively of another person, situation or environment, we are claiming that this seemingly separate experience is ... Views: 1679
I want to write about something so important today. What do we do when life looses it’s magic? How do we move forward into the beauty within and before us every single day? How do we stop our obligations, other people’s judgements and difficult circumstances from taking away the beauty in our ... Views: 1298
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Trust - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
For many of us, when we find ourselves in dire circumstances we begin to resist the uncomfortable feeling of being disconnected or misaligned. We develop a resistance to ourselves and to the undesirable and often times unbearable experience we are having. Many times, the negative feeling of ... Views: 1271
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The River - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
On a recent Big Sur backpacking trip, my boyfriend and I trekked about 6 miles out to a free flowing river. We were both in desperate need for recalibration, fresh air and clean mountain water. As we rock hopped down the river bend to find the perfect camping spot, we were graced with a nice ... Views: 1830
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Letting Go - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
I’d like to discuss a popular concept in modern spirituality: “Letting Go”. This is the idea that we must release something that no longer serves us. In theory, “Letting Go” beholds within itself the necessary components for relief, moving on and healing. The reality is, that letting go is a ... Views: 1257
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Devotion - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
We are living in the new. What this means is that the universal principles in which we operate in are becoming self-evident. In addition, we are dealing with a very prominent sense of urgency. To tie these facts together, we are getting the opportunity to impact all of life, at a level that was ... Views: 1350
Do you ever wonder what you’re capable of? Have you considered what it means to reach your full potential? Do you even know what your potential is?
Did you know that humans are actually living in just 10% of their full potential? Everyone’s potential comes in a different package, although we ... Views: 1375
Most of us are probably feeling the powerful 2012 shift into the Aquarian age. In order to exist optimally within this confusing and extraordinarily powerful shift we must understand what is happening within us, within the world, and also within the universe. When we are in tune, or able to ... Views: 1380
I've only been in the workforce for 6 years. It took me 6 years to understand the principles of passion, happiness and freedom. And guess what? I'm still not done! I've learned that what I know today is not what I will know tomorrow. I am a constantly evolving being in a constantly evolving ... Views: 2196